Thursday, 19 October 2023

Polytunnel Dahlias In Flower In The Middle Of October.

 I took this picture and it really gave me some Autumn cheer after we had a months rain one day.

A part from a small puddle inside the polytunnel we had no flooding.  Unlike other areas of East and West Cork.

Fortunately we live between two bays so the rain water manages to drain away.

Dahlias originate in Mexico and Central America and they soon rot if left in damp ground over winter.  Some people store their tubers in sand until planting time next Spring.

They are a very attractive flower to grow.  Anyone else grow them or have them in flower now?


  1. Dahlias are beautiful. We probably have them here if they originate in central america. Must look out for some

  2. They are beautiful and it can be quite expensive for a few tubers Linda. I must try growing them from cuttings next year. Chrysanthemums are also worth growing. It's nice to see plants in bloom despite all the heavy rain that we and the UK are getting this week. Thanks.

  3. Cork floats in flood water. Glad to hear that all is well with your polytunnel and that your dahlias are still thriving. Now excuse me as I need to get back to building my ark.

    1. Thanks YP. At least I can still garden and potter about in the polytunnel. Can I have your offcuts for the stove?

  4. They are on my list of must have flowers for the new house.

    1. They brighten up any herbaceous border Debby.

  5. They were my Mum's fav flower. We lived on very free draining alluvium with little rain and they thrived. Very colourful.

  6. I wish we had free draining alluvial TM. They are very colourful.

  7. I love the variety of dahlias, their colours and forms. Very showy.

  8. Showy is the appropriate horticultural word JayCee. I use to go to Southport and Shrewsbury Flower Shows. I once saw Percy Thrower at Southport Flower Show.


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