Saturday, 20 July 2024

Shopping For Organic Vegetable Plants And Looking At Repurposed Pallets Furniture.

 J dropped me off near the square in Bantry on Friday and she carried on up the road to Lidl.

There is always a market every week and the big fair day is the first Friday of every month.

I had a saunter around the bric a brac and antiques and plant stalls and found a young lady selling organic veg plants. 

The flickers (slugs) in the polytunnel had ate my kale swedlings.  I bought four trays of kale, leeks, celery and lettuce.  She knocked off 2 Euros and gave me them for 18 Euros:

Box of veg plants.

I came home and began harvesting onions to make room for the new veg plants.

I also noticed someone selling repurposed pallet wood made into furniture.  What a great idea.  I love repurposing things on the veg plot don't I?

Don't they look good?


  1. Darned flickers. Our slugs have merrily chomped their way through most of our veg plot. I have started to save up our used teabags and now split them open and arrange them around the base of the plants. No idea if it will work but worth a try.
    Repurposed pallet wood is great. P has used it for a variety of garden projects. Cheap and easy!

  2. The flickers have been a real nuisance this year JayCee. I have refilled my Chinese takeaway plastic trays with cheap alcohol to give them a last drink. Going around at night with a bucket and torch will catch a few. They love grass and vegetation to hide in.

    I was impressed with pallet furniture. I have also seen driftwood furniture.

  3. The pallet furniture is very up market. Pallet to palette lol. Nicely made. My daughter has 2 couches made from old pallets on her terrace. One on top of the other and nice thick cushions.
    I envy you and your fairs. May your greens grow big and healthy. Down with slugs!

  4. Yes Linda pallet to palette. Well they are artistic creations. I think a lot of couches are probably made from pallet wood. You should start your own Poros market/ trash and treasure/ car boot sale. Maybe on the beach? Down with the slugs and snails!😊

  5. Nice wee is such a pity when you see pallets wasted

    The slugs are defeating my efforts here..but it is natural for them to clear out weak or sick plants...

    1. I agree GZ. It is good to see pallets recycled and repurposed.

      Slugs like young and tender vegetable seedlings. Planting bigger plants gives them more chance of survival.

  6. It is laudable to upcycle things. In the past we have all been guilty of throwing stuff away and replacing things when they don't really need replacing. Just because you have excess money shouldn't mean it's okay to do that. Upcycling is a way of showing respect and gratitude to this ailing planet.

  7. Upcycling definitely helps YP. So does buying second hand.

    1. Second hand? I already have two.

    2. "I must put a little hand on this watch". Nellie from Nearest and Dearest.

  8. They are Marlene and organic. There are more than I thought there was. I will be buying more.


First Carboot Sale Of The Year.

 Plants and bric a brac for sale. We travelled two and half hours to county Limerick to a carboot sale on Saturday morning. It was trying to...