Friday, 31 May 2019

Even More Carboot Treasure And A Better Tomorrow.

Two posts in one today folks.

Firstly here's two items the wife purchased at the car boot sale the other day:

A Lalique type of platter = 3 Euros.

Three ornamental cows= 3 Euros.  The Koala Bears =10 E

Underneath the Koala Bears.  They are stamped Goldscheider Staffordshire.  Apparently  the factory originated in Vienna, have you heard of them Gwil?

We looked it up on Ebay and we saw a similar one for 56 Euros.  Not that we want to sell it.  I thinks its 1950s pottery.

Finally Lidl (our German supermarket and garden centre!) have launched their: "A Better Tomorrow" campaign.  Every store will have recycling bins inside their stores.  It reminds me of the Algarve where such bins are everywhere.  Even the beaches have litter bins.  Please can the local authorities follow suit and provide bins for recycled plastic?

What do you recycle Dave?  Plastic plant pots. Hundreds of them are saved from the landfill and my perennials are potted  up in them.  People even collect pots for me.  Do you have recycling bins at your supermarkets?


  1. Our bigger supermarkets go in for recycling, but I am not sure about the smaller shops. We have recycled stuff collected by council workers once a fortnight, except when they go on strike!

  2. Yes, we have recycling bins at the supermarkets here. They get abused and left like tips, even the Waitrose one. People chuck the bags/boxes down on the ground after they've thrown in the appropriate waste, they just leave the rest on the ground around the bins. Recycling is a bit of joke in my opinion, as it just gets shipped abroad and dumped. "Not in our backyard". I see Malaysia are going to send 450 tones of our waste back to us. I went where it will get dumped. We were going to have an incinerator in Norfolk which would have been great but a whole load of do-gooders protested and stopped it going ahead. I am not sure why. It was have saved millions of tonnes going into landfill. The voice of the people was that we wanted it but the minority of protesters stopped it. Sounds a bit like everything these days.

  3. Thanks Valerie for telling us about your recycling. Rubbish collection is private here. A lot of people take it to the recycling centre in town. Recycling is free buth domestic rubbish is paid for by the weight. We need a car to take our recycling to town and this leaves a carbon footprint on our recycling. Once a fortnight sounds a long time. Thanks.

  4. Thanks Rachel. John Seymour said landfill sites will be the mines of the future. I have read of poor countries being paid to receive our rubbish. Is this why so much plastic ends up in the seas? Burning waste does sound more sensible than burning it. If they stopped making new plastic and recycled whats left there wouldn't be such a plastic problem. Thanks.

  5. Love those cows! Might be tempted to buy them too.
    There is a recycling bin outside our supermarket but it is used maily for their cardbaord cartons. I'll be on the lookout next time I go to Lidls. Bet it takes a long time to reach here.

    I collect our plastic plant pots. They can be given back to one of our garden centres. Its quite a long way away so I have to remember to pile them in the boot. I hate having to put them in the rubbish though if I leave them beside the bins someone else usually picks them up pretty quickly.

  6. Hi LA. The cows are pot and don't cost much to feed.

    I have hundreds and hundreds of plastic pots that are filled with perennials, herbs, shrubs and even vegetables. I try to sell them to customers and we're going do some car boot sales too. My cheapest small perennials are only one Euros a piece. I am sure garden centres, allotment and garden centres could have plant pot recycling areas for people to collect for free or a donation. I will give a free plant to anybody who gives me their plastic plant pots or bring mine back. Hope you're all enjoying the sunshine LA.

  7. Most Malls here have recycling containers, and there is a great set-up in our supermarket parking lot.

    I am a little obsessive about recycling.

    1. Good to read Susan. I suppose buying things or selling them at a car boot sale is also a form of recycling? Thanks.

  8. Supermarkets must accept return of plastic bags. Most chains have excellent recycling stations.

  9. We have a plastic bag levy here in Ireland Joanne. It seems to have eradicated a lot of plastic. I think we need to stop making new plastic. Or just make biodegradable plastic bags. Thanks.

  10. we have recycle bin, taken weekly.
    Thank you for sharing your post

    1. Thanks Tanza for telling us about your recycling. It's good to read all the comments and see how we are all trying to their recycling bit. Thanks.

  11. Here in France they are usually just for old batteries, but there are plenty of recycling bins elsewhere.

  12. Thanks Cro its always good to read how other people and countries recycle.

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More Irish Stuff.

 On the last day of our February holiday in the Algarve we walked around Faro town. It began to rain and we saw an Irish bar.  Like an oasis...