Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Donning The "Rainy Day" Suit.

 The weather's been horrible wet and windy the last few days.  Cabin fever and feeling depressed this morning I decided to go for my six mile walk over the hills and down the boreens.  So I put on my new "Rainy Day" suit/waterproofs and set off.  Not forgetting my trusty hiking stick.  

Up the hills into the mizzle and beyond.  

A babbling brook.  

I never saw a soul.  Neither human or sheep.  I think they must be in the sheep shed watching A Place In The Sun? 

The rain was suprisingly not cold and the walking changed the endorphins in my head from fed up to happy.  There's something to be said for a good walk and blowing the cobwebs away.   You can't beat some good waterproofs and the will and get up and go to make you go for a walk.  No matter what the weather.


  1. I applaud you for taking that wet weather walk Dave. I only tend to go walking on nice days. By the way, next time you are feeling depressed I hear that there's a new therapist practising in Bantry. She called Dr Pamela Anderson and she only charges twenty five euros a session.

  2. Thanks YP. Does Dr Anderson wear a red swimsuit? When I next go for a walk I'll be looking down from the hills and doing some Bay watching!😊

    1. You are so clever! You appear to have sniffed out my joke. I thought I might fool you. I must try harder.

  3. I did. My school reports use to say "must try harder".

  4. You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din! as Rudyard Kipling said. I wouldn't have ventured outside in all this rain - I might go rusty!

  5. Boredom and cabin fever JayCee. The landscape looked very rusty today. Thanks.

  6. I used to love walking in the rain. Oh to be able to walk out of the door and into the hills. You are a lucky man.

    1. Hi the veg artist. I have an old back injury and walking hills relaxes the muscles. I also find walking is good for ones mental health. The lockdown is not good for people's mental health. Rural isolation is not good for it either, I think that's why I write blogs.

    2. I'm currently reading a brilliant book, The Well Gardened Mind, which, amongst lots of other fascinating stuff, refers to new research which shows that when we use the large muscles in our legs, we activate a gene which has a stress-reducing effect on the brain. Clever things, our bodies. It obviously works for you.

    3. Thanks for the book recommendation the veg artist. I have heard a lot of walkers say similar things about the benefits of walking.

  7. Good on you doing something positive in this lousy weather. Enjoyed a wet walk with the dog but only for half an hour, he was not impressed. Sawtons of water gushing from a manhole, contacted the water people who said , it'll only be surface water. Daughter takes dog out tonight to find a nice sludge and bits of paper across the pavement, thank God it's downhill from us..

    1. Hi Diane. It's incredibly wet outside at the moment and no chance of working in the gardens. Thanks.

  8. I have no answer, Northsider. It seems like it would be easy enough to stop. Real commenters don't post their phone numbers. Seems like that would be a fairly obvious clue.

  9. True. Thanks for your advice Debby.

  10. Bravo for getting outside in that weather. I hid inside during our cold spell and only went out today when the sun is shining

  11. I just had to get out of the house and walk Linda. Apart from my face and hands I was warm and dry. The waterproofs did well.


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