Saturday, 9 January 2021

Frost In The Afternoon.

 It's finally stopped raining and we have had a week of dry weather and very hard frosts.   Living in the countryside next to the sea I know that the rain always follows the frost.  

It's been too cold to garden and the ground is frozen in places so I have had three walks this week.  A three miles, a four miles and a 6 miles walk.  That's 13 miles in total.  

I took my hiking stick to help me walk up the hills and to stop me falling on any icy or slippy parts of the journey.  It's a mixture of hill, rock, peat, grass, rock and tarmac.  

Here's some pictures:

Frost on boulders that probably fell during the last ice age.   This was taken at one o'clock in the afternoon.

Over the hills and along the old cart tracks.  The vegetation looks very bleak and brown and yellow at this time of year.  I listened to Kansas on Spotify.  What a soundtrack to accompany me on my walk.  Did I ever tell you that I finally got to see Kansas in 2014? Please God I will get to see them again soon.    
Dunmanus Bay glistening in the sun.  I remember walking this track with my dad when I was a teenager.  Ireland is such a beauty of a country.  

I slipped on some frozen black ice coming back down a tarmac boreen down on to the Northside.  Thankfully my  hiking stick saved me from any injury.   It's always worth taking a stick with you when you are walking on the peaty hills and the roads that might be full of black ice.

It was a a good week to get back into the walking after all the Christmas celebrations.  Well food and drink anyway.  The rain comes back on Monday.  It always follows the frost.  I will have to try on my new "rainy day" waterproofs and still go walking.  I mustn't forget my trusty hiking stick.


  1. It sounds as though your hiking stick saved you from broken bones 😳
    I hope you carry your 'phone with you in case of accidents when out walking by yourself?
    Be careful!

  2. It did JayCee. I remember you saying the other day one of your friends had hurt themselves out walking. Yes I often listen to music care of Spotify via head phones from my mobile phone and I check my emails, phone calls and look at blogs if I take a break from walking. It's so easy to slip and fall isn't it? Thanks.

  3. You don't need a walking stick in icy weather if you are wearing a foam rubber sumo wrestler's suit. When you fall you just bounce. To buy such a suit go here:-

  4. Good idea. Will I get extra Vat and fat charges now Brexit has happened YP?

    1. Under Brexit you will have bull, ram and goat charges to contend with so stick a cushion down the back of your trews.

  5. Very good YP. England certainly kicked itself in the foot leaving the EU. Those walking boots I bought off Amazon have gone up ten pounds. Ten Pounds. You could go for a weeks holiday in Morecambe for ten Pounds when I was a lad.😊

  6. Where the houses are cheap. I remember your post about Withernsea. I once spent a weekend in Robin Hoods Bay with a Nottingham lass called Marion.

  7. You're a brave wee lad out walking in those icy conditions. You need that hiking stick. We were out walking today, in 20o sunshine, sneaky snigger. Bit different over here. Keep it up Dave. Keep safe

  8. Hi Linda. The sun shines on the righteous. Do you want to do an house swap? Lucky,lucky you.👍

  9. It's been cold here today. I spent the day getting laundry done, getting some groceries, making a pot of soup. When I was done, I read a book. It was like taking a brisk walk on the moors. Without the walking stick. Or the moors. Or the brisk walk. Other than that, just the same.

    1. You keep yourself busy Debby. I love walking. I get cabin fever if I don't go for a walk or go outside.

  10. Hard frost here this morning (Sunday), but due to change today with winds returning to familiar westerlies. It's been a long cold snap this time!

    1. Hi the veg artist. Yes it's been unusually very cold here. Supposed to change to rain tomorrow.

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