Monday, 11 January 2021

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas Wrapping Paper.

 January is a good month to look for bargains or even Christmas presents.  The wife went shopping in our local German garden centre and beer providers yesterday.  She came back with ten rolls of Christmas wrapping paper for the princely sum of TWO EUROS!

I know.  But you have got to splash the cash sometimes:

Any one else started buying their Christmas presents yet?


  1. That lot would last me for the next 20 years!

  2. I have already bought your Christmas present Dave. It is a used "Stork" margarine tub. Very useful as a container for screws and nails or perhaps somewhere you can soak your false teeth overnight. Remember - it's the thought that counts.

  3. Would it JayCee? We are always on the look for a bargain or ten. You have got to satisfy the inner Womble. Especially now there are no carboot sales at the moment.

  4. Thanks YP. You can never have enough containers, wrapping paper, sheds or polytunnels can you?

    1. That's only true if you own a very large warehouse. Otherwise storage might be a problem.

  5. Under the bed on top of the wardrobe? We sometimes keep coal in the bath.😊 It's not very comfortable.

  6. Darn I'm missing out again. Our German mega market is still out of bounds for us. In another county. I would have bought as much as I could carry. Luckily I did that 2 years ago so we had plenty this xmas

    1. You sound like us Linda. You aim to be resourceful and realise that it will soon be Christmas again. My wife came home with two lovely candles the other day. That's two Christmas presents sorted.

  7. We buy all year around as we find things. It saves a lot of headache at the holidays. I have a gift closet where I stash things. When something rolls around that requires a gift, I pull something out and wrap it.

    1. Yes very sensible Debby. We make Christmas Hampers and even have a Christmas cupboard. We buy an extra food item like a jar of pickles or a tin of biscuits and we put them away. Love the idea of a gift closet!

  8. I Christmas shop all year round...I think a lot do...

  9. Very sensible Linda. Especially in January when they are selling off the Christmas stuff really cheap. Last year we bought Christmas cards and crackers with expensive looking gifts like nail clippers. Thanks.

  10. Ha! I'd love to start any shopping - I've not been in a shop at all for around 10 months.

  11. TEN months? Gosh. I have loads of shrubs and perennials plants I want to sell at a carboot sale. But there aren't any happening. I suppose I could always start dividing them and multiplying the collection?😊 Soft rain here today and windy. It's better than the frost though.

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