Tuesday, 15 March 2022

The Diary Of A Plantaholic.

The vegabulls(vegetables) seeds are doing really well.  Especially the ONIONS that we grew from seed to go along with ones we grew from sets and not forgetting the Japanese winter onions.  Why do we grow so many flipping onions? There only 49 Cents from you know where?
All my Hebe shrubs cuttings seem to be rooting.  Soon they will need potting on into bigger pots and more bought compost.  See the Rogue Potatoes growing in the polystyrene "styrofoam" welder packing case? I am talking about those potatoes I dug up and replanted the other week not The Rogue Potatoes the name of an obscure Prog Rock band from Morecambe.
Today I have been taking Osteospermums cuttings and you can see the newly bought bag of compost.  The plants in pots have all rooted and now I am taking cuttings from them.

It's  raining this afternoon and we came back from Cork City with a steak pie from Iceland (not the country) some Guinness and a bottle of German white  wine(strictly medicinal) and some cheap German garden centre and beer providers) potting compost which contains John Innes (hope he is ok?) 


  1. I see your provender from Cork was more liquid based than solid!

  2. Yes JayCee. It is Paddy's Day on Thursday and Friday is another public holiday then it's the weekend.

  3. It's cheaper to drink at home and there's no last orders and you can stay in your gardening scruffs.๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿพ

  4. I used to work with a teaching colleague called John Innes and I am not joking. It was best to avoid the male toilet when he had done a number 2. Mind you John Innes Number 2 is supposed to be very good for brassicas.

  5. I stopped at Guiness Pie. Wouldn't mind one of those with a pint of anything alcoholic!!

    1. Guinness pie sounds great or even Guinness cake. We are having onion bhajis and beef and ale pies from Iceland for tea tonight. What a combination!

  6. Too much information Mr Pudding. I heard of a removal company and one of their employees was called Mr Frank Spencer. I would if his wife was called Betty?

    I like John Innes number 3. They are all soil based and give vital nutrients to feed the roots and leaves. A lot of the cheap composts have a lot of peat in them and are made with composted bark.

  7. Replies
    1. "I'm boring tonight"? Isn't that what the hungry woodworm said to his missus?

  8. Said the bishop to the actress๐Ÿ˜Š.


The Cooker Hood Parsnip Project.

No not the name for an English Prog Rock band but the title for my post today. I have been germinating parsnips seeds on damp paper towels i...