Saturday, 26 March 2022

Visiting An Irish Indie Rock Star's Resting Place.

 After our stop off in Adare.  We put in the details of my main purpose of the day in Google maps on one of our mobile phones  We were going to see the final resting place of Cranberries lead singer Delores O'Riordan.

Regular readers will remember when we visited Rory Gallagher's grave in Ballincollig in 2020.  They are both two Irish Rockers who I never managed to see live but I never saw Jimi Hendrix or Elvis Presley but I still love them and I saw Rory's Band of Friends in Kent in 2019 at A New Day festival.

Google maps took us up boreens made for horses and carts but now with a tarmac surface and signs saying 'Dangerous Bends'.  We past farmers who waved and racing horse stables and schools and churches and graveyards and fields and more fields and eventually we saw signs for Graveyard on galvanized steel poles.  We realised they had obviously placed them for fans of Delores to see her final resting place.

We got out of the car and opened the gate into the ancient graveyard with the ruined church and we both spotted the grave:

"There's Delores grave" I said.  

"I know" said J.

We walked to the grave and read the epitaphs on the headstone and there was a Cranberries guitar made out of cardboard and painted, letters laminated to Delores, flowers and Japanese flags.  It felt like a sanctuary, a special place to remember a Rock icon.

We are both quite sensitive to places and we immediately picked up on the sadness and love that resonated like a fountain but also the peace.  Oh what wonderful peace.


  1. Truly remarkable voice and my humans both like their music. Mr T

  2. You all have excellent music taste Tigger. Limericks greatest Rock star.

  3. A distinctive and plaintive voice - like the girl next door. I can see the reason for your pilgrimage. It seems that she didn't mean to die when she fell asleep in her hotel bath. What a crying shame! She had much more to give.

  4. The girl next door who decided she was going to be a rock star when only twelve years old. With the voice of an angel. A very worth while pilgrimage YP. Thanks.

  5. I like the Cranberries. Haven't heard them in a long time. Great voice.

  6. Great Irish band Linda. Up there with Clannad, Thin Lizzy, Aslan and Altan,Mamas Boys, U2. Seen all the others. Wish l had seen the Cranberies.


The Cooker Hood Parsnip Project.

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