Tuesday, 7 March 2023

A Much More Substantial And Secure Rabbit Run.

 The busy bees got down to hard work at the weekend and created a more secure and substantial residence for our long eared friends the rabbits:

Concrete blocks weighing down doors.  I think number one son must have been listening to me  or reading my allotments tales about concrete lumps and blocks holding down tin roofs on allotment sheds, polytunnel s made out of plastic water pipes and onions drying in old supermarket trolleys.  They will have to be fox body builders to move those blocks.
The new run is now split in two sections so Mr Rabbit can live in separate compartments from his wives until he invites her into his humble abode and puts on his record by the Nolans: "I'm in the mood for dancing, romancing,  I'm going to dance the night away"...

There is also a mesh floor now to prevent any escaping or digging tunnels for the great escape:

Being tight wad smallholders.  This new bunny palace cost nothing because it was part recycled and we always have some materials hanging around to repurpose or create new creations.

Anyone else been creating or repurposing material to use for their animal housing and veg plot projects?


  1. Let's see them get out of that!

  2. They will try. Do you remember Lucian in The Liverbirds who always liked to talk about: "Me rabbits," I loved Polly James and Nerys Hughes. Telly Heaven.

    1. The Liverbirds was a brilliant piece of writing. I loved it.

    2. So did I. Carla Lane was a superb comedy writer.

  3. In addition to keeping your critters IN, the mesh floor will keep other critters OUT. Well done!

  4. Well observed Debby and the grass can still grow through the mesh floor. In their living/ sleeping quarters they installed a plastic pig slat so any rabbit number ones or number twos/currants will not stay in their des res and will fertilize the lawn. Between them and Kev the small pony and the hens. I do not need to strim or mow the lawns.

    1. So they get to move about as well then? Different scenery every couple of days?

  5. Yes they do get to move about Tigger. Save petrol. Buy rabbits.

  6. On behalf of The Fox Protection Society, I must point out that over-strengthening of rabbit runs is alien to our constitution. The fox must have a chance to get his dinner or the future of foxes will be jeopardised.

  7. I would think you would be better voicing these views at the King Power Stadium in Leicester. I believe foxes are most welcome there.

  8. RIP Gary Rossington

    1. I didn't know. Thanks for sharing Traveller.

  9. Great job! I'm always repurposing something!

  10. I will pass on your compliments Kev. Have you seen how much rabbit hutches cost in pet shops?

  11. Nothing creative going on here. We're in the limbo-land between summer and autumn and that's when I get sleepy every single year. I sleep all night (unless the neighbours make too much noise) and then I nap a good portion of the day.

  12. Limbo-land is a good expression River. I sometimes have a nap or siesta when I have been working hard gardening or mucking out. Some people like pets and livestock have the gift of sleep and could sleep on a clothes line. I long for Summer and sitting out in the garden with a few drinks.

  13. Hi via Debby's blog.
    Good to see materials being re-used.
    I hate seeing good stuff in a skip...and trees being chipped instead of the timber used.
    We have built an extension on my pottery workshop, using secondhand doors with windows for the side walls and more for the double front doors, plus using as much secondhand timber as possible.
    Just a thought, have you found the downsizer.net forum? Quite a few smallholders on that..but it is more like an online village....including the gossip, arguments, romances and weddings..plus a mine of useful information!

    I take the example of "one word" blogger...and if I just visit a blog, I leave a pebble in the pool to show that I have been there. (0)

  14. All good to read GZ. It's good to repurpose things. I especially do this in the veg plot.


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