Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Homemade Pig Ark.

The Tamworths and Saddlebacks like their new home.

 Welcome back to the bodge it and fettle it smallholding department.

The pigs in the field are getting rather too large for their bed quarters and number one son came home with some old corrugated iron sheets and a broken cattle ring feeder.

He got to work in the Haggard and before you could say : "Here's one I made earlier".  He had constructed a rather sturdy and robust pig ark.  All for the cost of a few welding rods, some tek screws and a bit of electricity. Oh and some elbow grease and manual labour.

We put it in the field and gave them a straw bed and they are loving it! 

Have you made an homemade pig ark or thinking of making or even buying one?


  1. Number one son is a chip off the old-er block. Happy piggies with their homemade ark at no cost! You taught him well

  2. We never stopped him from picking up hand tools when he was small Linda. I think he gets his practical skills from his mother and the 'make do and mend' from me. The pigs don't mind that it's homemade and not a bought one.

    1. Looks like a 'bought one'. Piggies will be very happy. Insulation in it next....

    2. Thanks Tigger. I suppose you could insulate but they huddle together and sleep and eat their straw bed. A plastic pig ark can cost 500 Euros. Our homemade one cost nothing apart from a bit of electricity and elbow grease.

  3. Number One Son deserves extra pocket money this week so that he can buy a sherbet dip, aniseed balls, flying saucers and a liquorice pipe. I am not thinking of building my own pig ark in the near future as I have a bed inside our house.

  4. A pig ark would be great if you came home at three o'clock in the morning and the wife is stood holding a rolling pin with an irate expression on her face and your drinking buddy says: "What a wife. Baking at 3 o'clock in the morning". If you find yourself in the dog house. Get a pig ark.

    1. Ha-ha! Trouble with dog kennels is that the entrance hole is usually too small for a drunken human.

  5. The pig ark would accommodatethin or fat drunks. Perhaps we should sell them to people who's houses are on the way home from the pub? Who needs Booking.Com? When there's Pig Arks?

    1. "Enjoy a cosy break in one of our bijou cottages, constructed in a rustic style with open countryside views and natural bedding. Visitors are welcome to exercise in the surrounding field and though a healthy breakfast is supplied free of charge you are welcome to root around in the adjacent turnip field for extra sustenance. Staying at Hog Hall is an experience you will never forget."

    2. Your write up is certainly no pig sty YP.

      "All that money and they live like pigs". "Who"? "Pinky and Perky".

  6. You never cease to amaze me with your ingenuity!

  7. Thanks JayCee. You have got to be resourceful if you live on a smallholding or allotment. We are watching Victorian Farm again on Amazon and we discuss it and we all agreed isn't it easy if you have money and good equipment? We have to make do and mend living here in Ireland. It's certainly not the Good Life in Surbiton. Thanks.

  8. Thanks GZ. I will tell him you like his work.

  9. Number one son is very clever, it looks cosy.

  10. He is. He's gifted with manual dexterity. Thanks River!


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