Saturday, 4 March 2023

I Think Cool Hand Luke Lives At Our Smallholding.

 I ain't no Paul Newman.  But I'm starting to be like his film character Cool Hand Luke.

 We are having an egg glut at the moment.  We are getting 18 eggs a day and that's 12 hen eggs and 6 duck eggs.  

The wife is baking bread and cakey  wake and we are even had Quiche Lorraine for our Tea.  None of that Lunch and Dinner nonsense.  We are even giving eggs away and Barley the newly farrowed sow eats eggs for her breakfast.  

Homemade Quiche Lorraine.  It did what it didn't say on the tin.  It was ok.  J says she's  never made one before.  Well she's made one now!

It's eggstroidinary (have I invented a new word?)  that they are laying so much especially during Winter.  Perhaps it's their layers mash mix or maybe it's the grass and weeds I keep feeding them? Answers on  a postcard or even a comment down below.  Please that is.  Even petty, pretty please! 

Anyone else keep hens and ducks?  The eggs are a lot fresher than what you get in the supermarket. Next time you are in there. Ask them for half a fresh egg.  That will confuse them.

Bact to the Prog Rock tomorrow or may be Monday.   


  1. You lucky devils, even luckier piggie getting eggs for breakfast. Do you scramble them lightly and serve them to her with snipped chives?

  2. Yes we are lucky Devils Tigger. Barley eats the eggs and the bonhams drink their goodness in their mothers milk. Yes we have lots of scrambled eggs and omelettes and the duck eggs make the loaves and cakes fluffy. You should write a recipe book Tigger. It would be purrfect.

  3. Not many food miles in those eggs.
    If you look like Paul Newman I would be booking my ferry trip right now to come over and collect a few dozen of them 🙂

  4. If Paul Newman had a few paper rounds I would look like him JayCee. I often wonder how old the eggs really are in supermarkets. Are there any egg honesty boxes near you?

    1. Yes, quite a few of them. We always buy local eggs so we know they should be fresh.

  5. Good. There are a few fresh eggs and local honey honesty boxes on our Peninsula and we see "homegrown vegetables" signs on our travels around the Cork and Kerry countryside.

  6. Do you do mail order? I would like to order a dozen fresh eggs from you every week. I assume that postage and packaging will be included.

  7. I used to be a short string but now I am a frayed knot. Sorry Mr Pudding but due to Brexit mail order service is no longer available at the present time . But thank you for attempting to place an order.

  8. Eggs, eggs, lots of eggs. Mmm and quiche Lorraine. Easy and damn tasty. Even real Greek men eat quiche....if theres no pig or offal lol. So it's egg season says me rubbing my hands in glee. Hopefully our chook owning neighbours will give us a few

  9. Eggsactly Linda. Why don't you get a few and let them scratch around in the weedy part of the garden? The Quiche went down very well and a loaf is baking in the oven. Happy smallholding days.

  10. You can freeze eggs for baking.

  11. Maybe you can also work a deal with the Easter bunny.

    1. You would happen to have Easter Bunny's email address would you?

  12. Another way to use the eggs is baked egg custards, but you'll need milk as well and sugar. 100ml milk per egg and a dessert spoon of sugar per egg. Beat together the eggs and sugar, warm the milk to almost boiling, mix into the eggs and sugar mixture, pour into pre-baked pastry cases, sprinkle with nutmeg and bake at 180C (350F) until set. Cool before slicing and eating. Also extra quiches can be made and frozen for future meals. Then there's boiled eggs, fried eggs, scrambled eggs.

  13. Thanks River. We always purchase egg custards when we visit the Algarve. I think a large custards pie would be just the ticket. Thanks.


The Cooker Hood Parsnip Project.

No not the name for an English Prog Rock band but the title for my post today. I have been germinating parsnips seeds on damp paper towels i...