Wednesday, 8 March 2023

Getting Our Daily Bread.

 They ("who are they?") say if you want to sell your house do some baking just before prospective buyers have a look round.  It's  the waft of home cooking.  Far better than fresh paint that the world that Royalty visit on social occasions.

We are not thinking of selling at the moment but we did buy a ticket to win an apartment in Spain the other night.  Of course we didn't win and we are still here on the Irish Riviera in West Cork.

The wife baked some brownies and a loaf of bread.  All thanks once more to our poultry feathered friends.  The eggs production team is showing no signs in stopping laying.

The French bake fresh bread every day and it is delicious and I can see why bread is baked freshly every day.

I started paraphrasing the American band Bread song: "I Want To Bake It With You!"

Here's a bit of music trivia.  The members of the band were stuck in traffic and they saw a bread truck and decided to call themselves Bread Truck!  🍞 Bread really!


  1. The loaf that Mama Northsider baked looks marvellous. I wonder why "they" came up with the expression "Use your loaf!" in which a loaf is your brain! What's that all about?

  2. Apparently it means that we should show some commonsense or use our brain.

  3. You are getting some very tasty treats these days, Mr northsider.

  4. We are JayCee. There's no Gregg's in the countryside next to the sea. Just lots of eggs at the moment. Thanks!

  5. I love the smell of baking bread. Unfortunately my home made efforts have not been successful so far but I will keep trying.

    1. Yes it's a wonderful aroma River. You could always get a bread maker?

    2. Most supermarkets sell bread mixes and you can by them online River.

    3. That would be cheating and I might just as well keep buying the supermarket bread. I have no room for a breadmaking machine anyway.

    4. Bread mixes have come on leaps and bounds and you can make some very good bread River.

  6. Nothing like that tantalizing smell of bread straight out of the oven. My brother used to bake bread when he was selling, and they always had a roaring fire as well. He got a good price 😅

    1. Hi Linda. I miss home bake shops like you see in England selling fresh bread, cakes, pies and pasties..

  7. I love baking bread - the process of it more than anything, and no comparing the taste of a homemade cottage loaf!

  8. I like eating homemade bread Mark and the aroma it creates in the kitchen.


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