Saturday, 11 March 2023

A Bag Full Of Vegetable Peelings.

Not not the name of some psychedelic Prog group.  It's not a bad idea though is it?  

Rural Ireland does some things different than in the towns with things  like Honesty Boxes for eggs, honey, vegetables and fruit.

One of our neighbours leave us a polythene bag full of vegetable and fruit peelings for our livestock to eat and enjoy.  They leave it on their wall for us to collect them.

Some people compost their peelings or even put them in their dustbin and they end up making compost at the landfill.

I suppose if we wished to be real tightwad smallholders we could boil the peelings and make smallholding soup?  I one tried eating some vegetables that had passed their sell by date.  Don't try it.  Yuck!

Apparently it's illegal in Ingerland (UK)  to feed your hens and ducks and rabbits and piggy wigs vegetable peelings.

If you see our net curtains twitching nervously.   Don't worry it's only us looking out for the vegetable peelings police.  They will be asking us for Domino's cat 🐈  licence next!

Stop the world I want to get off!


  1. Is it really illegal? How bizarre!

  2. Yes apparently you shouldn't feed your livestock kitchen scraps. Unbelievable. We don't feed them meat just leftover vegetables, fruit and peelings and bread...

  3. So odd that ruling about feeding kitchen scraps to livestock in the UK that I had to go looking as to why. Seems that regulation came about following the Foot & Mouth outbreak in 2001. The only exception to the rule applies to households that are 100% vegan and never have meat or dairy products within the home that would contaminate the kitchen scraps.
    Hope you're having a pleasant weekend. Stay safe, warm & well.

    1. Hi Damselfly. Many thanks for telling us the rules about kitchen scraps.

  4. NZ went that way too - F worked in a restaurant that sent a couple of bins of scraps per day to a small pig farm, and then we couldn't. I wonder if it is a ban on restaurant scraps rather than household scraps to the same household's pigs? The only true waste is seeing it all go into a dustbin.

    1. Thanks Tigger. I do not see anything wrong in feeding or fattening your poultry or pigs with kitchen waste especially if there is no meat involved. Thanks!

  5. Confirming Damselfly's input. It has been illegal to feed catering waste to farmed animals in the UK since 2001. This ban was adopted by the whole European Community in 2003. I doubt that a few household vegetable peelings would bother the authorities (i.e. "them!") but you never know.

  6. It's back to the pig swill YP. Apparently you should not feed kitchen waste to your livestock be it domestically or catering.

    1. Does that mean it's okay to feed it to your children?

    2. Hmmmm... I didn't Fink that one YP 😀.

  7. All caused by a restaurant putting waste that shouldn't have been there in the pig swill bin...and it not being treated and heated properly before it was supplied to a pig farm.

  8. Thanks for the heads up GZ. It sounds like Hells Kitchen. Gordon Ramsey owns a smallholding could be the next series.

  9. We have a wall down the road where people leave bags old bread and probably other leftovers. They're picked up by locals who have chickens and a pig or two.
    The EU has some very strange rules. No one around here takes any notice of them and that includes restaurant owners

    1. The wall down the road sounds a great idea of putting kitchen waste to a good use Linda. I think the people who make these crazy rules have never kept livestock.

  10. Illegal to feed vegetable peelings to animals and poultry? That's ridiculous! Here in Adelaide we are encouraged to compost our waste if we can or to put the peelings etc in the "green" waste bin along with garden prunings, lawn trimmings etc, there's a long list of things that can go in there, it gets collected by the council trucks fortnightly and taken to the big composting place wherever that is and when the compost is ready they sell it back to the council for use in parks and garden beds such as in the Botanic Gardens.

    1. Great to read River. I am sure lots of people would like to avail of that green compost.

  11. It was believed foot and mouth started by a waste ham sandwich, could have been discarded by a day tripper in a field. I am saying this from memory. Food waste no longer allowed. Veg peelings are ok for your piggies at home.

  12. Thanks Rachel. I think it's criminal that food waste goes to landfill when it could be composted or fed to livestock.

  13. Just wait until they show up to ticket your pigs for going hog wild.


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