Sunday, 19 March 2023

"Four legs good, two legs bad!"

The blog title is from George Orwell's Animal Farm.  Have you read it? I sometimes think I am Boxer the Carthorse who gets all the menial tasks around the smallholding.  

 I think I've been listening too much Pink Floyd's Animals album.

 I have never seen Pink Floyd but I did see my old  Rocker pal Roger Waters and ex Thin Lizzy guitarist Snowy White perform The Wall.  I also saw Snowy in Thin Lizzy back in 1981.

So P is For Pink Floyd in my A to Zee or Zed of my favourite rock bands.  Still haven't  done a blog for the letter O.

Any road.  We were looking on Done Deal on the Tinternet  the other night and we spotted some pet lambs for sale.  Number one son duly came back with 5 of them.  Said they were off triplets and quads and the farmer didn't want to feed them by the bottle.

So we have the joyous task of making Lam Lac (powdered milk) in the microwave and filling 5 baby bottles and feeding them four times a day.  I am a wet nurse for 5 baa lambs.

Here's  Sheep by Pink Floyd.  Even the dogs turn their heads listening to this one!

Anyone else thinking of getting sheep?


  1. Perhaps we should think about getting a couple of sheep and save all that grass mowing.

    1. I believe sheep use to mow the grass on graveyards before lawnmowers and strimmers were invented and before people placed flowers wrapped in cellophane JayCee. Capability Brown use to use them to maintain the estate landscapez he created. I suppose the farm animals are responsible for the rural landscape we see? It would be all brushland and trees if wasn't for the livestock.

  2. Oh my gosh, how cute are they?!!!! My sister had a calf in her basement for some time. The mother had abandoned it in the middle of a freezing rain. She tried to bring it to the barn and reunite them, but mother had no interest. It was the second calf she had refused to nurse in as many years. The calf was called 'Knuckles' because it couldn't initially walk on it's feet. It loved the bottle and my brother in law fed it quite longer than it needed to be because he has such a soft spot for him.

    PS: mama wound up with a new name: Dinner.

  3. Thanks for that Debby. Farm animals can be like humans and you get good ones and bad ones. Some smallholders either sell their troublesome cattle or eat them. I'm glad you like the lambs. Four girls and a boy.

  4. You're a genuine Farmer Dave now!

  5. I'm a smallholder and into 'hobby' farming Linda. But I could never be a profit making farmer. We give our livestock mames for one thing.

  6. Had a friend who raised sheep, a long time ago. He never ate his own.

  7. Hi Tasker. I can understand your friend's reason for not killing is own. I don't like slaughter time or even selling them. But we try to give them a good life and we have a freezer full of pig at the moment.

  8. My eldest son lives in Scotland and has sheep but is finding them a lot of work, feet need a lot of caring for and he has just has them all sheared. I gather you are going to eat them, lol. He's are just for decoration. Don't give them names for Gods sake, lol.

  9. They are a lot of work Briony. They get caught in brambles and are troubled with summer flies and maggots and some say they have a death wish. At this stage we don't know if they will thrive. But we will probably sell some of them and the others will go in the freezer. We have given them names and they've only been here a week. Thanks.

  10. There will be no sheep around here, I had enough of them when I briefly worked on a sheep station here in Aus when I was 16-17. I didn't have much to do with the working of the sheep, that was for the Jackeroos, but I did have to cook the damn lamb chops day after day after day after day for breakfasts and dinners with Sundays being a roasted leg of mutton day, although it wasn't actually mutton, it was hoggett which is that stage between lamb and mutton, so still tender to eat but more flavourful than lamb.

  11. That must of been some experience on a sheep station River. I bet the Jackeroos were real characters?

  12. Oh goodness F recalls lambing season and going out at all hours to feed lambs that got mismothered or rejected, or their mum's had no milk or too many other lambs. They were such hungry little blighters and would follow you about sucking your clothing between feeds. Even when they had really full bellies!

  13. F must have found it very hard work feeding those abandoned and orphaned lambs Tigger. They follow us out the Mary had a little lamb nursery rhyme.


The Cooker Hood Parsnip Project.

No not the name for an English Prog Rock band but the title for my post today. I have been germinating parsnips seeds on damp paper towels i...