Friday, 29 December 2023

Scenes From A Weedy And Not So Weedy Polytunnel.

You wouldn't attempt to do any work on the allotment or veg plot at the moment.  

Fortunately Algarve my polytunnel is a place to occupy my yearning to get cultivating or even weeding.  So today I spent some four hours in the polytunnel weeding and listening to Michael Schenker on Spotify on my mobile phone.  Here's some photos:

It may be Winter but the weeds never stop growing in a polytunnel.  I either compost the weeds or give the pigs or poultry a few buckets of them.  The paths are old concrete pig slats that I bought very cheaply.  Think I paid ten Euros for a job lot of them.
Half weeded.  Tiger Kitty (Kitty Tiger) is sat on my over wintering bulb plants in pots.  She sat there for hours.  She must have seen a field mouse or a spider I suppose?  You need cats if you live in the countryside next to the sea like we do.
All neat and tidy again.  Must start look at some seed catalogues and look in Lidl for seed potatoes.  When the land dries up I will wheelbarrow and pike some fym into the tunnel.  I must go collecting seaweed again.  We had brilliant growing results and seaweed contains over 50 trace elements and it's weed free.  Anyone else polytunnel gardening or thinking of getting their very own polytunnel? 


  1. No polytunneling here but we put up a shade cloth in the summer. Weeds are growing tall and green, the vegetables are not growing so well. We do have enough lettuce for salads. I need to go seaweed collecting

    1. Old plastic fertilizer bags are great for collecting seaweed in Linda. We haven't got much left veg wise apart from leeks, cabbage and a few brussel sprouts. Polytunnels are great for rainy days. Not that you have many like us. Someone even suggested putting a washing line up in my tunnel. The mind boggles.

    2. We used to use onion bags for seaweed - chuck em in the chicken run for a couple of days and trun them over once a day. The chooks love those jumpy little bugs that live in the washed up seaweed. Your polytunnel is looking great. I need to address our greenhouse. Any flower bulbs in pots in there?

    3. Thanks for the seaweed advice TM. Part of my polytunnel was under water yesterday and I realised the ground outside is higher the inside. So I'm going to build it up inside with fym and seaweed. I think raised beds are the answer to bad drainage.

  2. At the moment we are spending all our time picking up fallen twigs and branches rather than weeding. More gales tonight and tomorrow, along with a drop or two of rain.

  3. Yes we are getting the gale tomorrow JayCee. You could do with getting a woodburner for those twigs and branches.

  4. I am thinking of getting a polytunnel in which to grow marijuana. Where do you grow yours and can you send me some seeds?

    1. I buy marrows and banana 🍌 in Lidl.

    2. I tried smoking a marrow once but my lips were not big enough. I am not bloody Mick Jagger tha knows.

    3. Dave - I just came across this blog. I think you might find it interesting to explore - but not just this particular blogpost...

    4. I wish I was Mick Jagger YP. Their new album "Hackney Diamonds" rocks.

    5. Thanks YP. I am familiar with all the places mentioned. It's a great blog.

  5. You ask if I ever think of getting a poly tunnel...only every single time you post something about YOUR polytunnel.

    1. Polycarbonate polytunnel tunnels are the in gardening thing Debby. Even on a wet day you can still garden.

  6. PS: I am thinking we are due for puppy pictures...

  7. Will do a puppy post about them for you Debby.


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