Monday, 10 June 2024

A Nice Google Dorset Photo Reminder.

 Good old Google Photo's jogged my memory today of when I visited Dorset in 2018.  

We visited Hardy country and some of his former residences and literary places,  a day at Wimborne Folk Festival and we watched some bands at In The Paddock fringe festival.

One memorable band was Blackwater County.  You can see them on stage in the picture above.

I liked them very much and I will see them again on the Friday of this year's Cropredy.

They are like a punk, new wave, The Pogues kind of band.  I have featured them before on here.

Here's a video of them for your perusal and enjoyment.  You can  even have a dance 🕺 if you like?


  1. Blackwater County sound like they would be very entertaining at a live gig. I just read that they are from Bournemouth.

  2. Yes they are a Dorset band YP.

    1. Ray Dorset was from Mungo Jerry. He had massive sideboards.

  3. "In the Summertime". I saw him at A New Day Festival in Kent in 2019 YP.

    1. Did you ask him what he keeps in his sideboards? Maybe tablecloths and bottles of Christmas sherry.

  4. No. He could sing The Sideboard Song by Chaz and Dave? " I don't if they come round here, I've got my beer in the sideboard here".


The Passing Of Another Rock Hero Of My Youth.

 Rick Buckler the drummer from The Jam passed away aged 69 the other day.  They were often described as a Mod band.  I always thought them m...