Friday, 21 June 2024

Summer Solstice Longest Day.

 It is the longest day of the year today.  Farmers have been busy making hay and silage so their cattle will have forage in winter.

The days start to shorten and we will have dark nights from August to April.  

People in towns and village have the privilege of street lights.  Rural dwellers can't  walk about and night and the only way they can get about is by car.  

It would be great to have public transport and bus shelters on our little peninsula.  I don't  think it will ever happen though.  Rural isolation is not good for the spirit. Infrastructure is so important in the countryside but it is rarely provided for tourists or local people.  

The Druids and Ancient Celts are said to have originated in Spain.  I have viewed and visited several of the ancient stone circles like Drombeg in County Cork.  Which I have blogged about on here.

Clannad are an Irish band who I have seen five times sing about the ancient stone circles.  Enjoy:


  1. I hear what you are saying about rural isolation. It is probably less easy to live in remote countryside than it used to be. As country dwellers grow older, they may experience the feeling of being trapped with few services to sustain them.

  2. Absolutely YP. I know of elderly people who can't or don't drive any longer move to town to be near shops and vital medical services. The school buses are run by private companies. Why can the governments not pay or subsidise these companies to provide reasonable and affordable public transport? I can't even walk on the main roads to town any more because it is too dangerous. It's very hard to survive in the countryside without a car.

  3. The feeling of being trapped was why we moved from our rural home to a town with facilities within walking distance or bus ride. Much as we would have loved to stay where we were, it would not have been practical in the longer term.
    Really looking forward now to those long nights and short days .... 😒🙄

  4. Trapped hits the rural living nail on the head JayCee. You made the right move. I think its unacceptable not to have good public transport in the countryside, villages, towns and cities.

  5. I'm not thinking about the days getting shorter, I'm enjoying our summer, which has arrived.

  6. Hi Marlene. Our summer comes back tomorrow. At least I don't need ro water outside today.

  7. I love that song. My sort of music.
    I remember those long summer days from my nz childhood. My brothers earned their summer money by helping with the hay baling. Hot hard work

  8. Yes a great band LA. They retired in 2022 when I saw Clannad twice.

  9. Our city is small, but we will be moving to a more remote area that is at least a half hour away from any town of any size in any direction. I do find myself wondering about our future there. What is different is our closest neighbors are, in a lot of cases, family.

  10. Half an hour away is some distance Debby. Especially in the winter when it's bad weather like ice, snow or gales. I hope you and your family will help each other out like you help your Amish friends. There is definitely a down side to rural living if you don't have public transport or a inexpensive and reliable taxi service.


The Passing Of Another Rock Hero Of My Youth.

 Rick Buckler the drummer from The Jam passed away aged 69 the other day.  They were often described as a Mod band.  I always thought them m...