Thursday, 13 June 2024

What We Bought At The Carboot Sale.

 I purchased some of this car boot sale treasure before we had sold anything or got our pitch money back last Sunday morning.  

This did not please someone manning the fort or plants stall.

The sauces were free gifts from a really sound German man who was going back to live in Germany. He had been offered a good job.  We talked about not being able to get hot and spicy food in Ireland.  He was a chef and seemed to really know his stuff, especially hot food.  

I started to talk about great German bands I had seen like Helloween, The Scorpions and Michael Schenker.   He also gave us some free small drinking glasses.  A really great guy.

Any way or any road.  I bought two SMALL Japanese identical  vases or vazes for two Euros.  They have Japanese writing on their bases.  They feel like they are hand painted.  They are very nice and go with the ever growing  heaving shelves collection.

Writing on the base.

I once said to a fellow carbooter laden down with two big oil paintings in his arms:

"You never stop collecting"

He replied:

" Of course not!"

I much prefer buying than selling at car boot sales.  

The picture is a nice rural scene.  It says it was purchased from Dunnes stores.  This cost me six Euros.

Unimpressed later had a walk round and bought some packets of crisps and a box of dog chews for our four legged pals.  They were impressed when they devoured them later.


  1. We downsized into our bungalow 15 years ago and I got rid of three big collections, I had started to view them as just dust collectors.

    1. Hi Marlene. I like collecting stuff. If I like it I buy it. I could never have an antique shop. I wouldn't want to sell anything. I think our kids will need a few builders skips when we depart this mortal coil.

  2. Nice vases..may or may not be export ware, but whatever, they are attractive.
    Most of you were impressed by the day.. can't please everyone!!

    1. Thanks GZ. They are definitely Oriental going off the painting and Mark's on the bases. I would love a room full of Japanese pottery and paintings.

    2. It would be interesting to get the writing on the base translated!

    3. It would I have put a photo of the writing on the bases on this updated post GZ. They weren't bad for two Euros.

  3. Not a wasted day. You still made a profit and came home with some treasures. And no rain!

  4. I love a ride out to a carboot sale JayCee. Sundays are very boring here in the countryside next to the sea. You don't see a soul. It's bucketing it down today. The gardens and veg need it though.

  5. Must be unusual for you to say the garden needs rain!

  6. A very strange year Sue. Farmers here are complaining of very little grass growth on pasture. A lot of vegetables are stressed and going to seed. Welcome rain came overnight. It's dry again now.

  7. You'd be very bored, I think, if you didnt leave the boss in charge and peruse the pickings. Some good bargains. Especially the, sauces lol. Doesn't Mrs D go around perusing and picking up bargains too?

  8. Hi Linda. We take turns perusing and being a typical male. I send her in shops and petrol stations when want feeding. She will you say: " You might have to talk to someone?" Recently she's shown me that petrol stations always have good clean toilets and when we stayed in Tenerife. How to wash ones clothes in the shower. A great tip when I go on my roughing rock festival and camping trip.

  9. Nothing beats a good clean toilet when needed!

    What are heaving shelves?

  10. I agree Debby. McDonald's are a great example of clean toilets and a place to wash your hands. Heaving shelves are shelves crammed and almost sagging with our eclectic carboot sale treasure and my mum and dad's treasure. I think we must have been Magpies or Jackdaws in another life. Have you watched the BBC series The Detectorists yet? It's brilliant.

  11. I wonder if all the online offerings (like FB market place) are changing the dynamic at bootsales. Do you ever peruse Freecycle? I've seen some great pieces of furniture on our local one but am currently not in need of furniture.

  12. I don't know Tigger's Mum. A lot of carboot sales here seem to attract a lot of East European shoppers and they don't seem interested in plants and only want to pay very little for anything. In England we use to go to big carboot sales at rugby clubs and hospital car parks and you would meet middle class and working class people. There doesn't seem to be much disposable income about this year. Done Deal is the online market place here in Ireland. I tried advertising plants but got no enquiries. It's frustrating when you have made hundreds of potted garden plants and very few people want to buy them.

  13. I have been able to translate the Japanese characters painted on the bases of your new vases. They read, "Made in Stoke on Trent".

  14. The other one said: "Made in Port Vale".


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