Friday 14 June 2024

What We Had For Our Smallholding Tea.

 The polytunnel and veg plot keeps on giving and we seem to be eating new spudatoes every day at the moment:

Snowball onion, kale and new potatoes.  We just took some bacon rashers out of the fridge and we had a meal.

One thing about growing your own is freshness.  The sugars haven't turned into starches and it is difficult to find such freshness in the supermarkets.

The rain came back on Thursday and I am not needing to put my hosepipe sprinkler on.  Just in the polytunnel.

I sowed some winter kale on Wednesday in a plastic modules tray in the polytunnel.  I sowed some more leeks seeds yesterday to go with the 20+ leek plants I sowed and planted a couple of months ago.

We will also have parsnips, swedes and leeks and I must sow some winter and spring cabbage and some Autumn King carrots and get my Japanese onion sets in September.  I think think winter veg is so important.

We also ate our first strawberries the other day. I grow cabbage and lettuce and give some of them to the rabbits.  Our dogs adore our organic potatoes.  


  1. Reminds me of the 'what I eat in a day' diet videos that I watch. Yours is the healthy smallholders diet.
    And your rain came back, again. Good for the garden. But you do need a little sunshine sometime.

    1. Sausage, chips and beans for tea tonigh Linda and a few tinies watching the footy on telly. I hope Scotland thrash the might Germany. Rain is definitely good for the garden and grass in the fields for the livestock to eat. It's nice to sit outside on the patio. Sun and showers today here.

  2. Sounds super productive, we have had a few strawberries and my 1st raspberry. I have sown more broccoli as they only need to be small and some cabbage. Marlene, Poppypatchwork

    1. Hi Marlene. It's great to read your planning ahead with your fruit and vegetables. You can't beat your own fresh and chemical free and homegrown.

  3. Tony Bennett or Tom and Barbara and Geraldine the goat living in Surbiton next door to Jerry and Margo?

  4. Yes. Wonderful tv nostalgia JayCee.

  5. It really pissed it down this evening here in South Yorkshire. Tea was frozen chunky cod pieces from The German Shop plus homemade chips with mushy peas. Then I settled down to watch the Germans thrash The Flowers of Scotland. What flower is it anyway? Possibly a buttercup. Hopefully England will do much better against The Serbs. Isn't a Serb a kind of Swedish car?

  6. The weather is a mixed bag this year YP. We had sausage, chips and baked beans for tea. I am hoping England or Portugal win the tournament. Scotland are better playing cricket.

    1. They are quite good at tossing their cabers.

    2. Also eating deep fried Mars Bars, playing The Sensational Alex Harvey Band records, drinking Iron Bru and singing about the Battle of Bannockburn for their national anthem.

  7. Kathy in Wales15 June 2024 at 01:57

    I don know why it is ,but this year, some things are really early. We have already finished picking our first flush of strawberries. We are eating apricots as fast as we can, They are like bigger peaches in size, not like the small ones sold in shops. I am also trying various oriental vegetables,this year and they are growing well and ready to start picking in already. I think they will be a hit.
    One strange thing, the new potatoes, some developed small brown spots on the leaves, no signof flowers, but when the tops started to collapse, there was a good crop underneath. Others, a different type are in full flowere, but only have dozens of tiny potatoes on long stems. as I plant in small buckets,I can tip the whole plant out and put it back in again, so am waiting to see what happens. Have you experienced this at all. As I plant various types, we are wll supplied with potatoes at present. I have also picked the first ,very few, beans and courgette, a promise of bounty to come.
    Pity you are not closer, I have lots of spare seedlings.

  8. Hi Kathy. The brown potato leaves sound like blight or a fungal disease. I don't spray mine and cut off the tops with shears or the strimmer if I get an outbreak. A lot of my potatoes in the polytunnel are going yellow and wilting with the heat. I give the polytunnel a good watering with the hosepipe and oscillating sprinkler every morning. It helps the tubers grow. I would swap you lots ov perennials if you lived near me. Thanks.


Mulching With Leek And Dock Leaves.

Japanese Onions mulched with Docks and Leek leaves today. I have been thinking.  "Oh no!" I will have to have a lie down. One like...