Friday 28 June 2024

Mother Nature Decides To Prettify The Compost And FYM Heaps.


I wish could paint pictures like the photograph.

Old Mother Nature seems to have been busy making my pallet compost and fym heaps more aesthetically pleasing.  

The Nasturtiums are loving camouflaging the piles of decaying vegetable matter, weeds and fym.  

I always see the Nasturtiums return often in a new place every.  You can eat them in salads and they also are worth growing for their flowers.  If you buy one packet of seeds.  You will have Nasturtium flowers for many many years.


  1. It's not a flower I like, grows to vigorous for our small garden.

  2. They are very vigorous Marlene. I even have some escapee Nasturtiums growing in the polytunnel. Have you tried them in salads?

  3. They are good for disguising large bare patches but not so good in a small garden I think.

    1. Yes you are probably right. I once saw some climbing up an old farm building. It looked wonderful and softened the edges. The flowers matched the rusty patina of the corrugated tin roof. Thanks JayCee.

  4. I might eat the nasturtium leaves in a salad but the FYM flavouring would probably put me off.

    1. That's what flavours my spudatoes and other vegetables YP.

  5. Love them, absolutely love them - especially the really intensely coloured ones. There are a few pale varieties out there that simply look washed out, but yours are fabulous.

  6. Thanks TM. They are so vibrant and eye catching aren't they?

  7. I'm a nasturtium lover. The garden is full of them in the winter with orange and yellow flowers. I've thrown their seed all over the yard. They die away completely in the summer so are not a nuisance and return with the first rains

  8. Hi Linda. The pigs and hens and ducks eat buckets of rhem when they are starting to look tired. I think they are a traditional cottage garden favourite. One packet of seeds lasts you for years once you sow them and the plants propagate thenselves.

  9. You can now get smaller nasturtiums which don't rampage!!

  10. Really? Dwarf Nazzies sound great. Thanks GZ.

  11. I hope you are not casting nasturtiums upon Mother Nature?, as Hylda Baker would have said.

  12. There are no nasturtiums aspertions Tasker. In fear of contraception.

  13. I like nasturtiums, but they do have a habit of taking over. The flowers are such a vibrant colour.

  14. Yes lovely vibrant flowers Jules. It is a very good year for flowers after all the rain.


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