Saturday, 8 June 2024

Hand Weeding A Newly Planted Natural To Ireland Hedge.

 I get some good jobs, don't I just?

A farmer friend asked me to hand weed a newly planted (this winter) natural hedge.  It was mainly hawthorn and blackthorn.

Hand weeded hedge plant.

My trusty Azada hoe having a rest.  They are superb for clearing  vegetation and overgrown allotments.

I spent a day clearing and weeding and day dreaming on my own.  It's good to weed without using weedkillers and I got a few aches and pains and beer tokens for my manual labour.

The diary of a blog writing weeder.


  1. Your poor back, that would kill me, but beer vouchers is a good incentive,

  2. Yes Marlene. I ached after that shift. I do like working on my own though.

  3. The diary of a blog writing Lancashire slave.

  4. Yep. Us polymath blog writers can always think of something to write about YP.

  5. Clearing weeds from a hedg or under a low tree is hard work, You obviously get into the rhythm with your trusty azada and work goes faster like that and you can day dream on quite happily. Not too hot yet for that sort of work obviously.

  6. There was a lovely breeze Linda. The Azada is one of my best ever gardening purchases.

  7. There is something rather satisfying about clearing weeds.

  8. Hi Jules. Thanks for commenting. Yes it is satisfying clearing weeds. You can see something at the end of your work. No nasty weedkillers either.

  9. Curious about the beer tokens...does Mrs Nothsider toss them around the garden to keep you digging??

  10. "The Labourer is worthy of his wages" Debby. So sayeth the good book.

  11. The book sayeth the truth.

    1. Yay. If you readGenesis 3: 18 - 24. It's about the weeds and cultivation Debby.

    2. That book uses parables about farming and working the earth, stony ground, fertile ground, etc. over and over.

    3. Yes Debby it does. God is obviously a keen gardener and wishes us to be the same.


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