Saturday, 1 June 2024

A Widger And A Dibber Plant Propagation Gift.

 What do you give someone who is always in the polytunnel sometimes at seven in the morning making new perennials plants? A Widger and a Dibber of course.

I have a wooden dibber which is great for making holes in the potting mix to drop leeks and new plants in.  

The Widger and Dibber are made from "real" plastic.   I am often misplacing my gardening implements and these two additions should be really useful.  

I have said on before why do garden tools manufacture not paint their tools in bright colours so you see them when they fall in verdant vegetation?  Verdant Vegetation would be a good name for a Prog Rock band don't you think?

I think they make them green so you loose your tools in the foliage and you have to buy new ones?

MyWidger and Dibber cost a Euro and 49 Cents from our local German food supermarket and garden centre and beer providers.


  1. Mine has the fork one end and the pointy thing the other..and is black gets mislaid!! An invaluable tool for dealing with small plants

  2. An invaluable tool indeed GZ. Great for handling seedlings and cuttings in particular.


The Passing Of Another Rock Hero Of My Youth.

 Rick Buckler the drummer from The Jam passed away aged 69 the other day.  They were often described as a Mod band.  I always thought them m...