Monday, 21 December 2020

Two Wreaths On Top Of The Bookcase.

There are two wreaths on top of the bookcase in our front room.  They make no sound but I am aware of their presence.  Like an elephant in the room.  

One dry day soon. That's  a good one.  They will be picked up and put into the car boot and we will take the short journey to the South side and place them on my parents, grandparents and my dad's brothers and sister's graves.  Two wreaths for two graves.  

Sometimes it gets to me and the tears begin to well up and other times I think of how they are at peace.  Oh such perfect peace.  They don't feel the cold and the rain or worry anymore.   I hate the silence of the graves.

Christmas is a very difficult time this year for everyone.  We will remember the living who can't be with us and we will remember those who have passed on and gained their eternal reward.

Mike Rutherford wrote: "It's too late when you're gone" in his 'Living Years song.'  No longer will we share a drink or a meal or open a present with our departed loved ones.

Sleep tight mum and dad.  Tell baby Jesus "to take care of everyone."


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    1. Good heavens! Dr Odion is like Superman! Does he wear tights and a cape? Does he know to Spell hard words?

  2. Could do with the spell for winning the Lottery.

    1. Could do with the spell for vanquishing a damn pandemic.

    2. ...and who wants an ex back? I mean, I'm presuming they are ex for very good reason...

  3. Sorry if you are feeling a little down Dave. It is usually at Christmas that we miss our loved ones the most. My dad died on Christmas Eve so I always feel a little sad whenever that date comes around.
    That spell sounds like a corker!

  4. I'm fine JayCee thanks. I probably won't be when I visit the graves. We have two anniversaries in January and my Mum's
    Birthday. Christmas Eve must be very hard for you. Christmas is hard for everyone who have lost loved ones and it's a time for peace and not holding grudges.

    I'm winning the Lottery tomorrow then it's your turn. 😊

  5. Is the cemetery you referred to at Ahakista? How splendid that the loved ones you have lost remain in your heart.

  6. Durrus YP. Yes you're so right. They remain in our hearts forever. Thanks.

  7. I also think it's nice that you remember your people. I've never been to my parent's graves. I think of them often though.

    1. Hi Debby. It's good to have somewhere to visit them at Christmas. At least we know they live on in our children and grandchildren. Thanks.

  8. Does Dr Who want to sell me his Tardis? Watch out there's Daleks about.

  9. This would be too painful for me. I do visit the country churchyard where my parents, grandparents and many other relatives are buried, but it's still like an open wound, even though my mother died 60 years ago, and I don't remember her at all. My father died when I was 12, but I only remember him ill.
    I think it's different if you have good memories and can remember them as people.

  10. Thanks the veg artist. I understand how you feel. I just like to visit them especially at Christmas.

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