Saturday, 18 June 2022

A Fight Between The Pigs And The Compost Heap Who Gets The Hedge Clippings.

 I have been cutting my hedges today.  They are Griselina mixed with Fuchsia.  Both are not poisonous so I collected and raked the 5 big  tubs of hedge clipping and fed them to our pigs.

They devoured them and it gives them a mixed diet to vi with their pig 'finisher' ration.  They also get vegetables and a neighbour gives us their vegetable peelings.

Sometimes I get out my petrol strimmer and strim the long grass in one of the fields and feed it to the pigs.

My compost heap is not looking very bulky since we bought the pigs.

I will show you a picture of them in another post.


  1. That should make some tasty bacon.

  2. Nice pork and sausages. You can't beat raising your own meat. Thanks.

  3. Pigs like bacon, pork sausages and pork chops. They are not vegetarians. Why not do them a nice fry-up?

    1. Meat is the one thing that is Verboten for pigs. You don't see pig swill lorries any more these days. There is so much food that is disposed of in landfill.

  4. Griselinia (native of NZ) is also a favorite of deer. It hs virtuslly disappeared from the under storey of forests where deer had been unchecked. F had a job once that involved surveying forest flora for the damage done by introduced grazing mammals. Your pigs will thrive on that stuff (and she's not surprised it found its way into hedge plantings in your climate).

    1. Hebes, Pittosporums and Phormiums are all NZ and Australia natives Tigger and you see them in lots of gardens over here along with the NZ privet or Griselina. The Gulf Stream is very mild and other none native plants like Gunnera and Fuchsia thrive in the damp Irish climate.

  5. Well, now that they've discovered how tasty your hedges are, you best make sure they never escape!

  6. Very true Debby. I hope they don't take a liking to our plants.

  7. I have heard they are very fond of acorns...

  8. Yes Tom they are and apples in old orchards.


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