Wednesday, 1 June 2022

A Chicken Run Made For Next To Nowt!

 Sol at Be Sol Be left a comment the other week  saying she would like to see our new chicken run when it is made.  

Remember when we found those rolls of green mesh at the recycling centre and they said we could take them for free from the skips?

Number one and number 2 sons set to work on making the new chicken run yesterday.  It only took about an hour for them to complete the task.  It's fifteen feet long and very heavy and hopefully fox proof and 'Little Miss proof.

Here's some pics:

The girls try out their new ark.  See Little Miss spying on them?
Two legged lawnmowers.

That's the ark and I even managed to take a shadow of yours truly.

A couple of half rolls of square metal mesh, some pieces of plywood for the sides and hen house, a couple of brass hinges and screws for the door and some old decking planks to hold down the wire and some netting staples. 

Yet another rural solution and tight wad repurposing of old materials. Best of all it cost nowt or nuffink! 


  1. Nice to hear that you have got your sons trained to do work around the estate while you ponce about taking photographs. That last picture with your shadow intruding is kind of spooky. It sent a shiver up my spine.

  2. He's got a photographic memory and I have got a photographic shadow YP. At least it proves I am not a ghost.

  3. You spoil your girls. northsider.
    Are you sure that's not Darth Vader in that last photo?

  4. I think its Obi Wan Kenobi JayCee. I don't mind them eating the grass I don't want them to dig it up. Why don't you get some chickens, pig, goats, donkeys, snakes and cats? It's turning into a menagerie on the Irish Riviera.

  5. Would Little Miss really do any damage? I, the Tigger, was fascinated by my first encounter with chickens. I tried to sneak up on them only to discover they could see me all along and didn't give a 'monkey's'. In the end I had to roll over and pretend to be sun-bathing in order not to look like some kind of idiot trying to sneak up on them.

  6. I like you puddy cats Tigger. But I would never trust one. I suppose the feeling is mutual?

    1. You should be more worried about foxes. Do you have any of those?

  7. Yes there is all kinds of wildlife around us including foxes Tigger.

  8. That shadow reminds me of Inspector Gadget!

    That's a nice job on the coop.

  9. It does doesn't it Debby. I love repurposing things instead of paying an arm and a leg. The chicks don't mind it not being brand new.

    1. This chick has never minded if something is not brand new either.

    2. 😊. That's why you have what you have Debby.

  10. A friend over here made a hugely expensive hen run, which included a chicken wire floor as well as sides and a complete roof, thereby thwarting the efforts of stoats to dig in, and Hawks to swoop in.... but it cost a FORTUNE. Dick used to bring in a day's eggs and say to us "As of today, each egg is down to $25.50 per egg, and tomorrow they will be a mere $25!!"

  11. Any livestock housing or feeding materials can be expensive and you can save money if you can make your own hen coop. Thanks,.


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