Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Carboot Planting Troughs Bargains.

I purchased these two plastic terracotta looking plant troughs from a carboot sale on Sunday morning.  The man seller said someone was taking them to go into the landfill site and he rescued them.  I paind the kings ransom of one Euros each for them.

Yesterday morning.  I was outside in the polytunnel planting them up with Cape Daisies or Osteospermums which I have grown from cuttings with a little help from Mother Nature.

Apart from the compost and my time the plants cost me nothing:

They will fill out and look rather attractive in a week or two.

I have said it before.  You don't need to even have a garden to grow plants or vegetables.

Promise not to mention carboot sales until at least Sunday.😊


  1. Drat. I have been looking for some troughs exactly like that, but I am too stingy to pay full price for them.
    You are one lucky fellow, Mr northsider.

  2. I am lucky JayCee. You should get over to Blighty and fill up the Bentley with car boot treasure. I could tell you about a few good carboots in Cheshire. Chelford near Mcr airport was always brilliant.

    1. Alas, the poor Bentley has seen better days and probably would not survive the journey. Much like the chauffeur.

    2. It will have to be the yacht then JayCee. "To Heysham we sail". Where's everybody tonight?

    3. Possiby tucked up with their Horlicks and listening to The Light Programme?

  3. Maybe JayCee. I am still a young 58 ish planning to go to two Rock festivals in August. Roughing it tours courtesy of Ryanair, National Express and Shanks Pony.

  4. It's amazing what gets dumped by some people. We acquired our best wheelbarrow free at the tip. Flat tyre. Pumped up the tyre and it didn't even have a puncture. Unbelievable.

  5. It is amazing Tigger. "Where there's muck there is brass." One man's trash is another man's treasure. I saw a wheelbarrow for sale in B &Q for 77 Euros.

  6. Christ Almighty! You have been churning out the blogposts while I have been away Dave! Come to think of it I have got some plastic troughs just like those. I would have gladly given them to you for free. All you would have had to pay would have been the postage and packing.

    1. Says the Dixie Dean of prolific blog scorers/posts. Good to hear from you.


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