Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Another Oriental Carboot Find.

Regular readers to this little blog will know I am a bit of a Womble and I have collected several Oriental items over the last few years.  Plates, pictures, statues and this week we found another picture:

The lady booter said it was painted on silk and she wanted 5 Euros for the picture.

I didn't haggle.  I also bought two more John Skelton Kerry fishing scenes to go with my collection of his prints.  

I was like a pack horse carrying our new found car boot treasure the long way through the multitudes and back to our ever patient waiting car.

It was well worth the trip.


  1. Can you post photos of the fishing scenes too? I loved the previous one you posted.

  2. Your wish is my command JayCee. Plus it's another idea for a blog post.

  3. You have a very interesting hobby. Must be a very satisfying feeling when you find all these bargains.

  4. Thanks Linda. It's something of an obsession but I get great pleasure finding things. Plus if we got tired of them we could always sell them at a carboot sale again. Thanks.

  5. Don't worry. Pack horses can be attractive in their own way. Much better looking than donkeys.

  6. Don't worry. Pack horses can be attractive in their own way. Much better looking than donkeys.

  7. Thanks YP. I have donkey knees when I wear my short trousers. The wife wanted a fur coat for her birthday so I bought her a donkey jacket. I come from a musical background. My mother had a Singer sewing machine.🎻

  8. Will you be adding more wall space or do you have changing exhibitions? Seasonal themes and that kind of thing?

  9. Changing exhibitions sounds good Tigger. I wonder if I could put some pictures in the bathroom? You never stop collecting.

  10. Great find there Dave and very reasonable price.

    1. Thanks Rachel. The silk picture seems to have been signed in the right hand corner.


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