Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Book Finds And Talking About Kansas And Shadowlands At The Carboot Sale.

We went to an enormous carboot sale in Blarney on Bank Holiday Monday.  The world and the wife was present or so it seemed.

So what did you buy Dave? I bought: a metal garden roller that you fill with sand or water, some Rock CDS, bottle openers, a shovel for a friend, a tent (for the festivals), a watch, a Japanese picture which I think is made of silk and three books:

A book by Malcolm Muggeridge.  I once saw the great man speak at Manchester Free Trade Hall. I read the book in half an hour and it's about how he had moved to Russia to sample Communism and he didn't like it and he reported the famine in the Ukraine and he visited Galilee and the Holy Land and his thoughts in growing old, turning to God and his thoughts on death and the after life.  Rachel mentioned Malcolm Muggeridge only last week on her blog,

A Biography of CS Lewis.

I bought 3 books from an American man.  We talked about the band Kansas and their Christian influence on songs like Dust In The Wind and Carry On You Wayward  Son.  We also talked about CS Lewis and the film Shadowlands and how he had visited Hay on Wye and I said we had visited Symonds Yat and we both said we found the film cathartic and I have watched it 23 times and I quoted the teacher saying " We read to know we are not alone" and how amazing Debra Winger and Anthony Hopkins were in the film.

He offered me a free bible and I paid 3 Euros for 3 books.

It was a very enjoyable morning in Blarney and a great conversation.


  1. You got a great bargain there. Three euros for 3 books with a bible and an uplifting conversation thrown in.
    Shadowlands is a film that I seem to have missed. Sounds like I need to look it up.

  2. Yes JayCee. Very uplifting. We have been to the Golden Valley in Herefordshire where part of Shadowlands was filmed. It's an heart breaking film with the most incredible acting I have ever seen. Why Debra Winger and Anthony Hopkins never got Oscar's I will never know. If you want a good cry and be uplifted watch Shadowlands. Thanks.

  3. I am envious of the Malcolm Muggeridge find. I am on the look out for his books at the moment. That period he spent in Russia I heard him talking about in an old documentary on You Tube. I have also read a biography of C S Lewis and many of his essays. I am interested in him too. Great finds and a great eye Dave at the sale. Thanks Dave.

  4. Thanks Rachel. I could not believe it when I saw the book by Malcolm Muggeridge. It was only last week we (you and me ) had a blog conversation about him. CS Lewis and Jrr Tolkien were great literary friends. I find it incredible that they both fought in the Great War and yet they retained their belief in a merciful God. Thanks for the You Tube heads up about Russia Rachel.

  5. I deleted your comment by mistake YP. Indeed it was like I had kissed the Blarney stone yesterday. I am usually backwards coming forwards. But this man was so interesting. There's a lot to be said for having a chat.

  6. A nice chat is good for the soul. Did you ask him how he came to wind up in your neck of the woods?

  7. You deleted my comment! How dare you - you bounder!

  8. Books or no books finding a stranger with whom to have a thought provoking or 'life affirming' chat is always a sign of a good day out.

    1. Totally agree Tigger. It was a pleasure to have a chat with a stranger who was so full of knowledge and we had shared interests in so many subjects.

  9. It is Debby. I didn't ask him that no but he told me he visited Hay On Wye (amazing town full of book shops) and his wife his hooked on reading since she visited there. A really interesting person and his prices were really reasonable.

  10. Sorry for deleting your comment Mr Pudding.


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