Thursday, 7 July 2022

A Cross stitch With An irish Phrase.

I saw this old looking cross stitch at one of our usual carboot sales haunts  on Sunday and asked the wife to price it for me.  Three Euros was what the lady asked for it.  This was a no brainer and we brought it back to West Cork with us.  

We bought other things like a big crow bar and a curry book but this  was our most interesting find.  


  1. Rains falling "soft" on The Emerald Isle? I think not. They will pour down as usual like monsoon rain.

  2. Hibernia - "land of eternal winters." 22 degrees here today on the Irish Riviera. Thanks YP.

  3. I've heard this Irish prayer before. It's a wonderful blessing.

  4. It is Linda. I wonder how much time that cross stitch took to make?

  5. I agree with Linda, the words are a wonderful blessing.

  6. LOL. You bought a crowbar. This tickles my funny bone. Tim bought a crowbar at a sale he was at, and I couldn't see why he was so very excited about it. Turns out this one is TITANIUM! and "Lift it! See how light?!!" He is so chuffed about it, and I'm trying hard not to rain on his parade, but honest to is a CROWBAR!

    1. Crowbars are great Debby. They are perfect for the job when you need some brute force.

    2. Also useful as perches for crows.

    3. Perches are also fishes.

  7. It is John. A labour of love and dedication.


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