Friday, 1 July 2022

A Happy To Chat Bench,

 We spotted this sign on a bench in Kenmare in County Kerry and it made us smile.

Apparently a chat is informal conversation.  I am know to like chats myself and I have said on here before that if a scarecrow greeted me I would have a conversation with it or even have a chat.

The sign says: The Happy To Chat Bench.  Sit here if you don't mind someone stopping to say hello.

To me that is what I like about blogging.  You have comments and replays and  replys even and engage with people from everywhere.  


  1. We have those over here too. Commissioned by the Hospice, they are painted purple and yellow with a little sign attached to identify them as Sit and Chat benches.
    It's a great idea to help lonely people interact with others.

  2. Sit and Chat benches sound a great idea JayCee. If there was a bench like that near me I wouldn't need to keep writing blog posts. 😊

    1. I hope they never put a bench like that near you.

    2. Thanks Debby. There use to be a British Telecom advert which used the catchphrase: "It's good to talk". It's so true. Thanks!

  3. Every bench should be a happy to chat bench, especially a bus stops. Happy to chat should be the standard setting, with 'leave me alone to sulk or contemplate' being the bench that needs the special sign.

  4. Great ideas for benches Tigger. I would like some bus stops or a bus even. Thanks for your suggestions.

  5. What a great sign. A chat would be normal for two people on that bench I reckon. Probably about the weather for a start

  6. I think you are right Linda. Talking about the weather often breaks the ice.

  7. I think you will find that "chat" means "cat" in French. Happy to be of service as your linguistic adviser.

  8. "Miaow" would be a great start to a conversation YP.

  9. I wonder if there are any 'Go Away' benches.

  10. Good idea Tom. You have to cater for everyone haven't you?

  11. Sad that they are needed though. It used to be that we could talk to anyone we met, anywhere.

  12. I think the covid police and respective governments forgot about our mental health and well being. People need to talk to each other.


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