Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Three Wise Monkeys Bought At A Carboot Sale.

 I bought these three wise monkeys ornament for three Euros on Sunday.  It feels like it's made of some kind of plaster.  They about five inches wide and four inches high.

The three wise monkeys originate in Japan (more to add to my Oriental collection) and have been around since the sixteenth century.  According to Google they are a Japanese pictorial maxim: "See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil".

Mizaru sees no evil and covers his eyes.  Kizaru who hears no evil covering his ears and Iwazaru who speaks no evil covers his mouth.

Apparently soldiers during ww1 carried them for lucky charms in their pockets.  Perhaps mine date back to then? They look old.

They are the like the old English north country saying: "See no evil, hear no evil and say nowt!"

A nice little find at the carboot


  1. Quite sizeable to carry about in a pocket don't you think? That would slow you down a bit.

  2. I like your little monkeys... and the old "up north" saying.
    Still warm over there today?

  3. You are a very clever cat Tigger. Ok rucksack then!

  4. It's 19 here at the moment JayCee. It's very hot and sticky. You have to have a good scoop and down a few (8 last night) cans of lager or beer to help you sleep. That's my excuse any road.😊

    1. It has just reached 28C here now but should be back to 18C tomorrow. Ice creams at the ready for this afternoon.

  5. Sangria even? I have just retired from weeding "Portugal" my beloved polytunnel. It's 30 degrees at the moment.

  6. For a long time I have had an urge to buy three wise monkeys - probably in brass. I think they are rather like the electorate in most countries - including Britain. They are the reason we ended up with Brexit - deaf, dumb and blind - just like The Who's pinball wizard.

  7. I use to own a brass three wise monkeys YP. It must be around somewhere. Brexit wasn't a very good idea in my opinion.

  8. I have a set I bought in Greece, brass, tiny, about an inch in length. Very fond of them.

    1. They sound great veg artist. I like the ones I bought for 3 Euros on Sunday. I also bought three Rock Power Ballads CDS for 2 Euros and for listening to in the car. Total Eclipse Of The Heart by Bonnie Tyler is one of the tracks.

  9. You find a wonderful variety of interesting 'stuff' at your sales. Great browsing and great find!

  10. Yes always collecting and browsing Linda. It's like fishing and you never know what you will find. I always walks around at least twice sometimes three or four times. You always miss something hiding and wanting to be found. Thanks.


More Irish Stuff.

 On the last day of our February holiday in the Algarve we walked around Faro town. It began to rain and we saw an Irish bar.  Like an oasis...