Friday, 29 July 2022

A Kitten Plant Wrecker.

 Wifey took this photo of Tiger Kitty attempting to destroy one of the plants in the Conservatory.  

I heard someone shout: "Little swine!"

Tiger Kitty is into everything at the moment.   I think she will make a good mouser.


  1. Perhaps Tiger thinks she is in the jungle?

  2. An Irish jungle of Furze, Rushes, Briars and Nettles perhaps JayCee? Only St Brigid found a use for the Rushes.

  3. A little creature that beautiful will be forgiven everything!

  4. That beautiful creature comment was me - I forgot to go through the convoluted process on your blog!

  5. But she looks so cute. A cute little swine 😂😂

  6. Cute and full of devilment Linda.

  7. In a "conservatory", shouldn't we be "conserving" things - not destroying them? Bad Tiger KItty! Daddy says NO!

    1. Our conservatory doesn't have any Conservatives in it YP. We can see the sea from there. Thanks.

    2. If you had some conservatives in your conservatory you should be dead heading them right now.

  8. Very quick with the dead heading pun. "Conservatorys are where you neighbours can watch you eating your tea" Victoria Wood. She also said that only time England would have a revolution is if they banned carboot sales.

  9. I think that you might have it all wrong, Dave. Looking at that bewildered and completely innocent face, I think she was walking past the plant when it suddenly nabbed her. It is a Venus Cat Trap, and the poor sweet dear barely escaped with all her nine lives. And then she is called rude names to top it all off. Oh, the injustice of life!

  10. Irish Trifffids perhaps Debby? Perhaps I have got it all wrong? 😊

  11. Get some catnip and then watch her go.

  12. PS F remarked your jardiniere looks remarkably like one that used to reside in her grandma's house.

  13. We have some growing in the garden. The other cats go mad for it

  14. We have lots of old stuff Tigger. I thought a Jardiniere was the name for the French Police.😊


More Irish Stuff.

 On the last day of our February holiday in the Algarve we walked around Faro town. It began to rain and we saw an Irish bar.  Like an oasis...