The polytunnel is starting to fill up already and it is only the end of February.
I have over wintered perennials like Osteospermums which are not native to these shores and are not frost hardy.
Potatoes have been chitted and planted and so have our onions and garlic.
Cuttings of shrubs and hedging have been taken and I have started dividing perennials to make new plants.
I sowed peas and beetroots the other day. I am waiting to see how long they take to germinate before I sow anything else.
The temperature definitely warmed up this week in the polytunnel and I am watering more often.
This is my 50th blog post of the year.
I am glad I weeded and dug over the veg plot and dug potato trenches on Monday.
March can be a hellish like month here.
It sometimes comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.
You can get four seasons in a hour here.
Are you ready for Spring?