Thursday 22 February 2024

Scrambled Eggs On Toast.

 You know you are good at blog writing when you can write a post about most topics.

The hens and ducks are prolific layers at the moment.  They are like the Dixie Dean's and Erling Haalands of the egg laying world.

Yesterday ("All my eggs seemed so far away") see song at end of this post, we had scrambled eggs on toast.  Even the dogs love them and the pigs like fresh ones.

Scrambled eggs on toast complete with House of Parliament brown sauce or HP for short and is now made in the 🇳🇱 Netherlands.

Apparently according to WIKIPEDIA  the first recorded or written account of Scrambled eggs was in a 14th century Italian cook book.

Do you like scrambled eggs on toast?  We had Indian omelette for Sunday tea.

Here's a song by one of the Beatles about Scrambled Eggs.  Who knows he might write a classic hit one day?😊


  1. Mine would have to be poached, not using those horrible plastic cups, dropped into salted boiling water, they come out lovely and fluffy, perfect on toast and if we are a bit rich, smoked salmon and rocket.

  2. Paul McCartney is a good egg isn't he? As a joker, there's still a lot of Liverpool left in him. And yes - I do like scrambled eggs once in a while. I like to put a little grated cheese in and a dash of milk or cream too. You are lucky to be able to harvest your own eggs. Truly free range eggs hold together better and the yolks are more golden.

  3. They sound very posh Poppypatchwork. I agree plastic cups are horrible. I don't like polystyrene cups either.

  4. Yes Paul is a good egg YP. Good pun. I watched a video of him talking about Yesterday. He says he remembers his dad singing a sea shanty to the tune. I think Liverpudlians are the funniest people on earth. Their sense of humour is unbelievable. Fresh eggs are so much nicer than the ones bought in the shops. Duck eggs are great for baking. We seem to be eating eggs everyday at the moment.

    1. I have NEVER met a single Liverpudlian who wasn't funny. Some hide it for a while but the comedy always comes out in the end. In contrast, we Yorkshire folk tend to be more dour and serious. I wonder if GCSE Comedy is compulsory in Liverpool schools.

    2. Liverpudlian sayings like "Hiya sweetheart" and "ta ra" always make smile. They are blessed with fantastic humour. They could teach the world how to laugh and joke.

  5. F got put off eggs having to consume raw ones in 'milkshakes' as a kid. Hated it. She does however regularly cook eggs (scrambled, poached, fried, boiled, baked, omelets, quiche, ...) for other people. Mr B wants our own hens when we move to NZ, so that he can eat fresh eggs like you do.

  6. Hi Tigger's Mum. It's incredible how many egg recipes there are. They would be a good idea for a recipe book. They cost us about 10 Euros a week for a bag of feed. Plus we give them any vegetable leftovers like peelings and they have straw for bedding and also they peck at it. I sometimes give them some hay in Winter and they get grass and weeds from the garden. Fresh eggs are like freshly dug vegetables. You can't buy the taste. What about getting some pigs? They are great for clearing ground and manuring it for vegetable cultivation.

  7. An egg sandwich is a quick grab and growl on busy days. Stir up an egg. Cook in psn. Fold to size of bread. Top with cheese. I like topping it with a thick slice of tomato or avocado.

    1. Sounds delicious Debby I think? Lets keep these egg recipes coming folks!

  8. Scrambled eggs, made with a dollop of milk, on toasted seeded wholegrain toast is a treat...especially if I add a rasher of crispy grilled bacon.

  9. Whole grain toast. My favourite, JayCee. I detest white bread. But someone still buys it. Crispy grilled bacon. I hate greasy fried bacon. I think in some shops that sell bacon rolls they microwave it. Yuck!

    1. Urgh... flabby pink greasy bacon. Disgusting!

  10. It's not the best it? Chip pans full of dripping wand lard were horrible too.

  11. If you mix in alphabet spaghetti you can have scrabbled egg.

  12. Alphabet spaghetti. That takes me back. Can you still buy it?

  13. I like scrambled eggs, but add grated cheese to them before cooking and don't stir them into small curds. I let them set a bit then push one side to the centre and tilt the pan so uncooked egg runs to that side and then another side when the uncooked egg no longer runs I flip the whole thing over, let it cook then serve. Sometimes I add finely chopped spring onion as well as cheese.

  14. No milk or cream in my scrambled eggs.

  15. Sounds good River. I must get some Spring onion seeds. I grow Winter and Summer onions.

  16. I've never tried them with milk or cream.


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