Thursday 29 February 2024

Filling Up The Polytunnel.

 The polytunnel is starting to fill up already and it is only the end of February.

I have over wintered perennials like Osteospermums which are not native to these shores and are not frost hardy.

Potatoes have been chitted and planted and so have our onions and garlic.

Cuttings of shrubs and hedging have been taken and I have started dividing perennials to make new plants.

I sowed peas and beetroots the other day.  I am waiting to see how long they take to germinate before I sow anything else.

The temperature definitely warmed up this week in the polytunnel and I am watering more often.

This is my 50th blog post of the year.  

I am glad I weeded and dug over the veg plot and dug potato trenches on Monday.  

March can be a hellish like month here.   

It sometimes comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.

You can get four seasons in a hour here.

Are you ready for Spring?


  1. That looks a lot of hard work. Our greenhouse is still pretty empty. Just a few seeds waiting to germinate, and overwintered plants.

  2. It's a labour of love Tasker. I like having my own polytunnel and veg plot but you never meet any characters like you on at allotments. I would go mad living in the countryside next to the sea if I didn't propagate plants and grow vegetables and keep livestock. Thanks.

  3. It keeps you fit and healthy - in both mind and body.

    1. I think it's good for the body and blogging is good for the mind JayCee. My plants and veg like to listen to my Rock music on my mobile phone.

  4. Not ready atall! I'm going to combine the two cheap 2m x3m polytunnel frames to make a 2m x 4m long frame and put a proper horticultural plastic cover on....with strengthening stakes at each upright and a wooden frame and door!
    Other jobs to do first though

  5. One end of my tunnel suffered from the recent gales GZ. At least with a tunnel you can garden and potter about even on a rainy day.

  6. Envious to bits,and trying not to think about what I might be growing now,although to be fair the first seeds I tried in Ronnie's greenhouse last year were too early and a big fat fail.

  7. You will soon be back planting and sowing TM. Have you seen any veg plots over there?

  8. Still seems like winter here. Pruning grapes and roses is still not done. We need a bit of rain before gardening continues.

    1. We need Poros sun Linda. I took some rose cuttings the other day. It's still quite cold and too much rain here. Thank goodness for the polytunnel.

  9. If it ever stops raining I would like to get things going outside, I will sow seeds in the coming weeks, I have homemade cloches on one raised bed, so hopefully the ground is warming. My mum always said March was in like a lion out like a lamb.

  10. The winters seem to be milder but so much wetter Poppypatchwork. Homemade cloches are great. Even black plastic warms the soil. I am going to start most veg in the tunnel and plant them in the veg plot when the weather allows. March is often windy here.

  11. I bet you thought I had deserted your blog but I am back with witty banter and risky remarks that are perhaps more befitting of a Catholic priest. "Are you ready for Spring?"... Isn't that what Zebedee kept hearing from Florence in "The Magic Roundabout"?

  12. I thought perhaps I may have said or wrote something that you didn't like or agree with YP. It's good to know that is not the case. Hope you enjoyed your trip down sarf to the smoke? Was it Zebedee who said: " Time for bed?" Obviously aimed at Florence?

    1. It is not widely known but Jacob Rees-Mogg was Zebedee and Florence's love child. He was a right little bugger when he was a lad - running through the corn with Theresa May.

  13. Replies
    1. What ever gave you that impression?

    2. I don't know you just give me that impression sometimes.

  14. I am never ready for spring. It is hayfever season and I feel like I'm dying half the time. It will soon be autumn here instead.

  15. There is an injection called Kenalog for hayfever and other allergies River.


Mulching With Leek And Dock Leaves.

Japanese Onions mulched with Docks and Leek leaves today. I have been thinking.  "Oh no!" I will have to have a lie down. One like...