Wednesday 21 February 2024

Texting Instead Of Talking.

 I have noticed people texting each other even when in the same room.  The younger generation are very good at it in fact.

When we went to Tenerife in December we walked  into a English pub and we were the only customers.  

The bar owners sat down next to us eating their dinner.  They gave us the menus to look at.

There was nothing I fancied and the wife began texting me via WhatsApp:

What you having?

I dunno,  There is nothing I fancy.

Me neither.

Do you want another drink?

Why are you having one?

Shall we sup up and go to that Indian restaurant?

If you want?

We drank our drinks and wifey said to the bar owners:

"We'll have a walk round and we may come back later for something to eat."

Bar Owner: " Ok see you later."

Texting can get you out of some awkward situations.

I wonder how many couples text each other when their visitors don't seem to want to go home? Well I suppose it's different to putting the cat out, yawning and winding the clock and saying:

"Is that the time?"


  1. I have never sent or received a text message in my life. Even if I had a mobile phone I think my fingers would be too big to send a text message. It's like having a bunch of bananas at the end of each arm. However, in the awkward situation you described I can see how the messaging facility could be quite useful.

  2. You would take to texting like a duck to water YP. It's like having your own technological Bunbury with you. I like to text especially when my planes landed and you can keep your messages short without talking. Especially when you are waiting for your plane or train. Also WhatsApp is free anywhere in the world. I love it especially when I'm walking.

    1. I have absolutely no idea what What'sApp is and I don't want to know either. You can stick it in your bleeding polytunnel!

    2. It's a messaging app to send instant messages and texts YP. I also have Spotify on my mobile phone. This plays me my favourite Prog and Rock tunes when I am walking and pottering around in the veg plot and polytunnel. It's better than carrying a gramophone around on your back.

    3. I would prefer the sound of silence.

    4. "Hello darkness my old friend".
      I heard the soft dulcet tones of a lawnmower the other day. I think Spring and lots of moss must be on it's way.

  3. We speak to each other in Spanish if we don't want people to know what we are talking about. Of course, that won't work in Spain ...

  4. Good idea JayCee. I no Pivo is Polish for beer and Cerveja is Portugues for beer. Other than that it's gesticulating large and small hand gestures. I once went in a 'Oirish' pub in France and no one spoke a word of English and I knew very little French. But I still managed to order a pint of Guinness by tapping on the beer sign on the tap and signalling 1 with one finger. Do you text people?

    1. Yes, but not when they are in the same room!

  5. When I worked on the island I would text across the table to my friend. My son texts to his girlfriend sat next to him when we are in the same room. I some times text to the wife sat near me. She texts me from Lidl.

    1. You son's girlfriend is probably texting "oooo i think ur dad iz a sexy beast!"

  6. More like: "Not effing cricket and Antiques Roadshow again?" At least the Masked Singer has finished. All we need is for The Repair Shop to be closed for business.

  7. Texting can be a good way of being discreet!

  8. It can GZ and you keep your text messages short and sweet. If I talk on the mobile phone my conversations can go all around the houses and will pr go off on a tangent and I won't remember what I was talking about. Emails are also good because you can answer and you can read them when you want.

    1. And if you are anywhere on the Autistic spectrum, ADHD, calls or even worse video calls are definitely not on!!!!

    2. I didn't know th at GZ. I have done a few Skype video calls and I always end up looking away from the screen. I'm sure it's amazing talking to loved ones in far off places but I don't feel comfortable. Technology is so radical and amazing.

  9. If anyone wants to talk to me they can send a letter. I'll read it if I feel like it within a week or two.

  10. Weren't they the good old days Tasker? I have a new rule for myself that I don't look at emails in the morning. Yet I wake up in the morning and check blogs and mine. I guess I have a blog addiction?😊

  11. I remember being at an occasion (birthday? wedding?) and all around me young people were texting each other. I was the only one at the table not using my phone. Perhaps they can say things that way without offending anyone who might be listening to real conversation?

    1. The art of silent conversation River. Useful in a night club and your not shouting and spitting in someone's ear. Thanks.

  12. Very clever of you two. Texting is a good way to get out of uncomfortable situations. We do use it now and again. Saves a lot of face

  13. It does save a lot of face and you can communicate your thoughts without others listening Linda.


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