Sunday 11 February 2024

"Something That Is Really Good.".

Apparently beans on toast is slang for something that is really good.
Beans on toast is one of my favourite meals especially for breakfast.  It gives me the strength and energy for walking up the hills where we live or propagating plants (no more mention of plants today) and mucking out the livestock and digging in fym in the veg plot.

Beans on toast are said to have been invented by Heinz executive in 1927.  They are white haricot or Navy Beans covered in tomato sauce.

I like going in great pubs like Wetherspoons in Blighty and seeing Beans on Toast on the menu.  It's the simple things in life that are so special.  I said that I would write about something other than plant propagation today.

Here's the artist Beans On Toast.  I find him and his songs very entertaining and he speaks common sense.


  1. You can have my beans are I really don't like them, my mum was the same, she served them to my brothers, saying they are boys food!!!

  2. Great fuel for gardening or mucking out the livestock Poppypatchwork. I love them. Especially if they are Heinz.

  3. Although I love beans, I have always hated the tinned baked beans version. It must be something about the sauce that I find too sickly. Boys' food!

  4. I like your site and content. thanks for sharing the information keep updating,
    looking forward for more posts. Thanks

  5. Have you seen Blazing Saddles JayCee? I love baked beans. Wouldn't it be good to go back to greasy spoon cafes with egg and chips and beans on toast on the menu instead of lasagna?

  6. Thank you Emily. Do you like beans on toast?

  7. Or as Pirate calls them, Skinheads on a Raft....

  8. I would eat more beans on toast if they cut right down on the sugar.

  9. Pirates got the right name. They were called Navy Beans in America GZ.

  10. Probably salt too. Probably that's where my energy comes from? Plus I drink bottles of Lucozade when I am grafting.

  11. Beans come from plants! So you have not kept your "no plants" promise. By the way, I do not believe that Americans are familiar with the idea of beans on toast even though the Heinz company has been feeding America since 1869. I plan to do a blogpost of my own about beans on toast.

  12. White Haricot beans come from the states YP. I have never grown them or seen them growing. I believe that they originally were called Navy beans. I look forward to reading your blogpost about beans on toast Mr Pudding.

    "Beans are good for soul and heart. The more you eat the more you fart". By Anonymous.

    Such fine poetry!

    1. I grew a few white climbing french beans last year....the seeds look very much as you would expect white Haricot beans to look...

    2. Baked beans good for the heart, baked beans make you fart. The more you fart the better you feel, baked beans for every meal. That was the rhyme when we were young.

    3. Yes the very same rhyme River.

  13. I remember reading somewhere that Yoko Ono was astonished when John Lennon made B on T. That something as good could be so simple and out of a tin.

    1. You can tell he had a northern upbringing Tasker. He's my favourite Beatle. "Imagine all the people eating B on T". Thanks.

  14. I used to like baked beans, spag and little sausies, tinned soup. Don't like them anymore. I've got used to homemade everything.... rarely find these delicacies here anyway. Tastes change. Theirs and mine

  15. Thanks for your comment Linda. I agree that tastes change. I often drink beer or eat something when I go to Blighty and think that tastes different. My heart leaps when I see some of my favourite things. I should change my name to Dana instead of Dave? 😊

  16. I grew up with beans on toast, I must have had them three or four nights a week after mum left us. Never had them for breakfast though.

    1. A very cheap meal full of sustenance River. One of my favourite meals even now.

  17. I'd like to say I enjoy beans on toast but way too sugary for me. (Maybe that's just because the transport cafes we used to get breakfast in occasionally always used the cheapest ones - yuck yuck yuck.) However I love beans (beans beans good for your heart) and living in Greece started eating 'gigantes' - HUGE white beans that make the best ever homemade baked beans. Every taverna serves their grandmothers gigantes if they are a taverna worth eating at. Best of all I discovered I could grow them in Blighty. They are a runner bean. You might be able to grow them too. Really great beans.

  18. Thanks for that Tigger's Mum. Yes cheap beans are like cheap brown sauce compared to HP sauce. There is no comparison. I love Heinz baked beans. Doubt if I would be able to get those runner beans shipped over here because of Brexit. Poppypatchwork recommended a gardening magazine which was giving away packets of seeds. I found the said magazine in Killarney but they were selling it with the free packets of seeds because of good old Brexit yet again causing problems. Thanks.

  19. Without the free packets of seeds. That should say.

  20. You know, I had some pinto beans, navy beans and black beans from the grocery store. I planted them and they grew very well. A lot cheaper than buying 'seed'.

  21. That's brilliant. I have heard of people planting bought ginger, half a capsicum with seeds, potatoes and a piece of celery and a piece of an onion.

  22. My sister planted ginger root in a pot. You just reminded me to do the same.

    1. There's some great videos on YouTube of people planting shop bought vegetables. Well worth a look.

  23. Ah, beans on toast - great and simple meals, and, I believe, has a full complement of vitamins etc as the beans complement the bread. I have read recently that a variety of bean that will reliably ripen in England had been bred and will go into wider production in the next year or two, so we can have home-grown beans on toast.

  24. Beans on toast is almost an institution of a food Will. Great to read there will be a home grown variety of Haricot bean. Thanks.


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