Monday, 9 December 2024

Cup A Soup Or Soup In A Cup?

 We went food shopping in Macroom on Sunday.

The weather forecast says it is going to get very cold from tonight.  Brr...

How do the salt lorry drivers get to work?  Do they take the gritter lorry home with them?

I invested in a packet of tomato Soup In A Cup for 69 Cents from a discount supermarket.  A posh make like Heinz is 1.95 in Tesco.

That is quite a diffence in price isn't it?  Perhaps the tomato taste is nicer in the dearer box of four sachets?

Today I boiled the kettle and emptied the contents of the sachet into my cup and filled it with hot water.  Then I went to the food cupboard to take out my four slices of bread and guess what?🤔

Yep you are right.  I had only give the bread to the rabbits again a few hours earlier for their breakfast.

I was not an happy bunny.  The rabbits are!😄

I even gave them some straw in their sleeping quarters they ate the last lot.

If it does freeze.  This means rain will follow like night follows day.


  1. How was the soup? Did it taste OK?
    You could have whipped up a quick homemade loaf while the kettle boiled. There are loads of 'influencers' on Instagram showing off their miraculous 5 minute bread baking skills 😏

  2. It was ok JayCee. Apparently there was more bread in the cupboard. The person who finds everything when I can't find it. Handed me half a loaf. We often buy cheap bread they are selling off and put it in the freezer. I didn't know you can make bread in only 5 minutes.

  3. Sounds like good winter food. Bro and I are doing one of your summer excursions without the entertainment of festivals. Slept under stars last night. Got up at sparrow fart to go and catch a ferry. Clear skies all night and I counted 23 satellites in <15minutes just before I rolled out of the swag at 0430.

  4. Yes we love soup TM. Your sleep under the stars sounds like a great adventure with the Dawn Chorus for early morning entertainment. I hope you take lots of pictures and blog about your trip.

  5. The salt lorries grit the roads when frost is forecast to come down later so the drivers mostly are able to get to the grit lorry depot before the roads are iced over and they then spread the grit to protect drivers driving later in the night or next morning.

  6. Maybe in Norfolk Rachel not here. 😊Thanks for the very logical explanation. Did you see our England football hero Cole Palmer against Spurs? Apparently City sold him because he is a United fan. What a cool character.

  7. Freezing rain is one of the most dangerous conditions for driving you can get Once struggled to drive son the 3 miles to school only to find they had closed it after we set off. Had to abandon car and walk the last mile home. It was uncontrollable.

  8. Yes Tasker weather conditions can play havoc. Sunsets are really dangerous and blinding where we live in the west.

  9. Did you purchase some macaroons in Macaroom?

    1. Boots sell perfume in Macroom.

    2. Isn't Macroom a kind of Airbnb company sponsored by MacDonalds?

    3. All rooms come with free wifi like the menu.

  10. I used to love tomato cup o soup, in a mug, when I pretended to be a vegan. Easy, quick and good tasting. Knorr I think.
    We always have friganies on hand. These are packets of twice baked bread slices. Very popular here, last forever and perfect for dunking

  11. Friganies sound great Linda. It's definitely soup weather.

  12. I've not had packet or tinned soup for years, it's not something I enjoy, and hubby does make wonderful veg soups. We often do not have bread here, hubby does pop the machine on for a small loaf, but again I don't eat much bread, it bloats me.

  13. Hi Marlene. I love homemade soup and the wonderful aroma of freshly baked bread. If I am feeling lazy or in a hurry. Packet or tin suffices with a few slices of brown bread.

  14. Yesterday, it was your dog sleeping off his Heineken. Today, the rabbits have had the last of your bread. The animals at your small holding seem to fare better than the humans at times!

  15. You should see what they get for their Christmas Dinner Debby. They all celebrate the special day.

  16. The gritters drive so fast here that the majority of the grit ends up in the hedgerows or the ditches. Good purchase for the rabbits and rats, I suppose.

  17. We get gritters on the main roads but not on the lanes Jabblog. Rabbits and rats are cousins genetically in the animal kingdom and they are never far from us humans. Our 6 cats help to keep them at bay.

  18. I'm not a fan of packet soup, but it can help to warm you up in this chilly weather.

  19. It's much better than a bottle of spring water isn't it Jules?😊


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