Monday, 2 December 2024

Mushrooms And Pints.

 We watched Bill Bailey and Shaun Ryder go for a few pub walks on Channel 4 on Sunday night.

You can watch it on You Tube later.   They walk the Somerset countryside and seek refreshment in a few of the ale houses along the way.  The even go the Glastonbury festival site.  I went there in 1989 and met a lot of characters in the 200000 tent city which I have wrote about on here.  Just put Glastonbury in my blog search if you wish to read some of my festival tales?

Bill seems to have the gift of making people open up and it was a walk/walks full of anecdotes.

Shaun is a real tough northerner with the gift of self deprecation which seems to be instilled in us northern folk.  He's also very funny and the anecdotes he can remember are very entertaining.

I found this programme really enjoyable in the vein of Mortimer and Whitehouse Go Fishing.  It's not so much what they are doing it is what they are taling about.

Well done Channel 4.  You made TV Heaven.

Any one else seen this programme? Who would you like to go on a pub walk with?  Kate Bush and Britney Spears would be two of my choices.   Oh Julia Bradbury is into walking isn't she?


  1. Rachel Reeves and Emily Thornberry. I would like to see them socially and get to know them and how they relate to people from different backgrounds to theirs. I would enjoy talking to them over a drink. On a one to one basis having dinner on the pub walk I would like to be joined by Kier Starmer.

  2. Rachel Reeves definitely Rachel. Rachel Reeves is a Christian. I would like to talk to her about Christian Socialism like Keir Hardie often talked about. Great idea to go on pub walks with politicians Rachel. A lot more interesting than Question Time.😄

  3. I think Sir David Attenborough and Professor Brian Cox would be interesting walking companions, and hopefully would not walk too fast for me to keep up.

  4. I think you would keep with DA, he's 98 JayCee. Interesting choices. Thanks.

  5. They sound like solid English programmes which I will never see. The nearest I get is watching Robson Green fishing on the Discovery channel. Most entertaining and enjoyable to hear an English accent.

  6. They are on good old You Tube Linda. I have watched some of the Robson Green programmes. He's very amiable, self deprecating, entertaining and humble. I love out door fishing and walking programmes.

  7. I would like to go for a walk with Cameron Diaz - especially if there was a convenient haystack close by. I am sure that her husband Benji would not mind.

  8. Good idea YP. The hay barn has probably been converted into a yuppy annexe or an 'air' bnb?

  9. Oh dear. What if I can't think of a single celebrity to choose. I mostly find ordinary people much more fascinating. What about gathering a walking club of bloggers. That would be interesting.

  10. Yes that would be good Debby. We all like people watching and commenting.

  11. Will it be on YouTube by now? ..or More4?

  12. Yes Bill's walks are on You Tube GZ.

  13. I love that programme. Such easy, gentle watching. I'd quite like to go for a walk with Miriam Margolyes. But I don't think she'd be up for it. Xx

  14. Hi Jules. Miriam Margolyes would be fun. We watched Selina Scott in Wharfedale in Yorkshire last night. It was wonderful. Sheer escapism, funny, moving, stunning landscape, poetry, allotments, ferret racing and history. Well done BBC. It is time we had a walking channel on the TV. Thanks!

  15. I can't think who I'd want to meet. Public and private personas can be so very different.

  16. Yes Jabblog I think you are probably right. I like characters like Rick Wakeman who have thousands of jokes and Rock music anecdotes. I would like to go on a hike with Paul Whitehouse and Bob Mortimer. There is another Winter Walk on BBC 4 tonight. I watched Selina Scott last and it was excellent. Thanks.


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