Friday, 6 December 2024

The Cats Washing Day.

 It's been horrible wet and windy here today.

You wouldn't put a milk bottle out in this weather.  Even the country rats are wearing fur coats.

It's certainly not clothes drying weather outdoors.  

I had a shower and put the washing machine on a sixty minutes wash and then J put the washing in the tumble dryer and folded it and placed in a tub on top of the chest freezer and Muzzmuss decided to make it into her 'day' bed.

It's not only me who likes to repurpose stuff.

I am going to have a couple of hot Irish whiskeys (Jameson) to help me sleep through Storm Darragh.

That's my excuse anway.  Take care and lets hope we still have electricity and T'web tomorrow.


  1. The rain is coming through our windows already and the storm has barely started.

  2. Drat. I hate gale season JayCee. Who would live next to the sea? People like us.😊

  3. Rain and wind here too. Don't know if our storm has a name. Hope you've anchored down everything outside. Hot whiskey-s are just what you need at times like this

  4. I'm not chancing it without crossing my fingers, saying a prayer and drinking some Dutch courage Linda. I just hope my polytunnel survives. They are uninsurable. Keep warm.

  5. Clean washing...and self cleaned cat.. obviously a perfect match!
    Darragh is roaring and whistling around the house here..not near the sea but a fairly exposed 400'+....

  6. Oh to fly south like the birds GZ.

    1. NZ is having winds up to 150km at the moment...well that is Winy Welly..but I've just read of 95mph gust in County Clare...stay safe xx

    2. But then you'd miss the excuse to hole up with the animals, the misses and a couple Irish whiskeys? My cat loves when I dump a basket of hot from the dryer laundry on top of him. He basks in the heat as I fold laundry. It almost seems to disappoint him when the job is done.

  7. Darragh is an Irish name. I wonder if the storm was named after that smartalec on "The Chase". Fingers crossed for the polytunnel Dave.

  8. Being in the west.The Irish get first chance to name the storms YP. The polytunnel is a bit more tattered but still stands for now.

  9. Thankfully, the storm didn't do too much damage in this area. I still enjoyed a Brandy, however.

  10. I got a nice bottle of Cognac for my birthday. I will save it until the Christmas.

  11. Cats like clean washing, dogs prefer unwashed washing. )Actually, it's because they can't climb up into the laundry basket, but we'll continue the legend.)


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