Friday, 13 December 2024

More Charity Shop Finds.

There are not many carboot sales at this time of year.  Fortunately there are charity shops to satisfy the inner Womble and I  was sent a whattsapp message and a photo of  these two ornaments:

On the base it says Naturecraft Congleton England.

One figurine is two crown green bowlers having a relaxing pint and a chat about their bowls match.

The second figurine looks like a Grandfather and Grandson fishermen chatting next to the freshly caught fish.

I text back and told J to buy the ornaments.  They cost ten Euros for the pair of ornaments.

I looked them up and they look like they are probably made in the seventies.

I don't know if they are worth much but I like them.

It is good to add to our ever increasing collections of dust collectors or ornaments even.

Are you a collector or are you a minamalist?  I am a collector or Womble.


  1. They are great characters. I am not surprised you like them.
    I try to be minimalist but usually end up with "stuff" that I don't really need but like to look at.

  2. Thanks JayCee. I could never be an antique seller because I only buy what I like. Then I want to keep it. It's always an option to sell items and perhaps collect other stuff. I love looking for treasure in the charity shops, flea markets and carboot sales.

  3. I was a collector, but these days they are dust collectors, I have taken so much to charity shops in the 15 years living here. I still treasures, an item has to be loved to be here. Marlene, Poppypatchwork

  4. Thanks Marlene. Collecting is another one of my hobbies. I especially love going to carboot sales in the summer on a nice day when the world and his wife are either buying or selling. They are good places for gardening and smallholding tools and wellingtons and work wear. Roll on summer.

    1. Sadly we have very few good boot sales locally, I do have a local gardener who has plant sales through the year, good cheap plants, Marlene

  5. We often travel fifty miles to a carboot sale Marlene. That's rural Ireland for you. Thanks!šŸ˜„

  6. We have got far too much "stuff" Dave. Part of me says we should make our home as uncluttered as possible but a bigger part opts to surround ourselves with all this stuff. It is a constant battle.

    1. Books are my biggest clutter problem YP. I have so many read and unread books. They are like old friends. I have not got the heart to let them go. Then there are my garden plants. I have hundreds of them. If I propagate them next year. I will have hundreds more. If they ever make a programme called Irish Hoarders. I will be on it!

  7. I find that the older I am, the less interested I become in collecting. Isn't that odd?

  8. You sound very sensible and pragmatic Debby. Tim always seems to want to collect houses and you always know how to design, revamp and furnish them into an home.. My dream is to buy an house in Portugal for the winter especially. I think we live in the shadowlands like CS Lewis wrote. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. I love collecting.

    1. Hoo boy. You've hit on a sore point. Last week, Tim simply announced that he found the house he wants to buy. It has two garages, and he needs those garages to put his stuff. I announced we were not buying another house, and that he needs to get rid of some of his stuff. He was pretty mad. He thinks that he needs all of this stuff. I think he needs to start making sense. If we stop rehabbing houses, he can sell off quite a bit of stuff. He won't need it.

      It has not been delightful days at Tim and Debby's house.

    2. Sorry Debby about that. Will you not just take a look at the new property and take it from there? You can never have enough houses, sheds, plants, ornaments or polyytunnels.šŸ˜ƒ

    3. You hush now. I've been suckered in to this for far too many years. It stops right now. We focus on keeping what we've got, not throwing money out to accumulate more.

    4. You never know. You may fall in love with the new house?

  9. Minimalist but have been visiting charity shops recently - looking for a few basics to cook with and eat off. There is lots of nice stuff in charity shops but I can't fit much in the van.

  10. I love your van. Any carboot sales over there? Perhaps you could start one TM?

  11. Lovely ornaments!! You have a great collection. Who does the dusting?


  12. We are collectors. I keep threatening/promising to declutter or our children are going to have a horrendous job sorting it all when we're no longer around. Happy thought!

  13. Thanks Linda. Not me that's for sure. The lit stove creates plenty of dust. Especially when cleaning out the ashes every day.

  14. We have a lot of my mum and dad's ornaments Jabblog. I often wonder if there will be antique shops in ten years time? Young people seem to like new stuff and there furniture comes from IKEA. I suppose when we depart our kids can sell our stuff and make some money for them selves?


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