Sunday, 1 December 2024

Planting Up The Raised Beds.


I  planted this cut down IBC tank with some of my self propagated perennials this very morn.

There are Osteospermums that I grew from cuttings this Autumn and Bergenias (Elephants Ears) that I made by division.

The previous crop in the raised bed was leeks.  

Conditions are wet and cold at the moment.

The perennials give the veg plot a bit ofAutumn cheer.

I even managed to photograph my wellingtons again!  

Anyone else still gardening in December?


  1. Not a lot!! Just lifting beet, and leeks as needed, and cutting kale ...I must cover that again after the storms.
    If it starts forecasting frost I'll lift a few extra leeks

    1. They will taste very nice after the frosts GZ.

    2. We have had frosts already..and I don't want to be stuck with inaccessible frozen leeks!

    3. Quite😊. I love the AlliumsGZ.

  2. Hi can you help me? If not I understand. I want to make a hot bed from horse manure but not sure what to do now with the fresh manure. I have just put the horse on straw for this purpose. The books say how to build it in spring but not what to do now if anything. Su

  3. Charles Dowding put some excellent hot bed videos on You Tube Anonymous. Old gardening books are a good resource for hot bed information.

  4. I can always find something to do, yesterday with the youngest two grandchildren we picked up all the leaves from their garden, all fallen from the neighbours huge tree, which sadly is not bare yet.

  5. Leaves are worth collecting in black bags or added to the compost heap Marlene. Leaf mould makes great potting compost.

  6. Nope! Nobody else is gardening in December - just you and Alan Titchmarsh or "Titch" to his chums. He is seventy five now. Though born in Ilkley, Yorkshire, he now resides in Hampshire but has a second home on The Isle of Wight. Where is your second home Dave and do you also sell a range of gardening tools?

    1. I sell a range of second hand gardening tools, bric a brac, shrubs and plants on carboot sales in the summer YP. My second home is here in West Cork. Not forgetting my polytunnel. Like a lot of northerners we reside in the south. Rather like a lot of fans of my beloved Manchester United fans are Cockney Reds. Geoffrey Smith was my favourite television gardener and he resided in Yorkshire.

  7. Not much gardening for me - too cold and miserable outside, but I did sow some basil and parsley seeds in pots on my kitchen windowsill and they're already up and reaching for the light. A bit leggy though.

  8. I go into the garden with torch sometimes to see if I can find a few mint leaves still lurking. I always forget to look for them during daylight and then when I start cooking it is dark Dave.

  9. You'll have to get P to buy you a polytunnel JayCee. They're great for wet and cold days. I think your seedlings like the central heating. I haven't switched ours on yet.

  10. You sound like me Rachel when I am looking for vegetables to give the rabbits their tea. J even looks for vegetables they are selling off in Lidl to feed our rabbits. Thanks.

  11. No, no gardening here, just the usual delumping of the garden. Antirrhinums are still flowering, though, and there are a couple of flowers on one of the rosemary bushes.

    1. We get every season in a day at the moment Jabblog.

  12. Give me raised beds everytime. They make a huge difference once you're not so supple, like me. I can keep them weed free and turn the soil . I love my old wheelbarrow but I've closed off one area with breeze blocks and have slowly filled up the bed with leaves, compost and soil

  13. Raised beds can be used with wheel chair users Linda. No matter what our age we can still garden with raised beds.


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