Yep it's than time of the week again when I feature a favourite Rock Goddess. Can you guess who she is? Well her band is called Blondie yet a lot of folk thought she was Blondie herself.
Yes it's the one and only Debby Harry. She's 75 now and I still think she's gorgeous.
" I'm in love with a 75 year old Rock star."
Here's Debby Harry singing "Atomic". Hope it's the one with her all dressed up in a black bin bag ? You may have missed out buying new clothes in the January Sales that never happened. Reach out for a black bin liner and make your own sexy outfit!
Way back to 1980 when music was great:
How long before we see some live music again? I see some music festivals are saying that they will be back this Summer. I'll believe it when I see it.