Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Blessed Are The Litter Pickers.


I went for my saunter the other day on the main road on the Northside (Northsider) of our Peninsula.  Which is actually the Southside of our Bay.  Eh?  

I notice that some very kind soul or souls had gone to the trouble of collecting the litter washed up on the beach and bagged it up.  All done voluntarily.

These people are the salt of the earth and I thank them very much.  

I can't see why the powers that be can't  create permanent jobs to collect rubbish from the beaches and road verges.  Any chance of a job?  I would gladly do it!

Just think what wombling I would do and find?  Fish boxes, rope, seaweed...


  1. If there were a political party called the NALP (National Anti-Litter Party) I would happily join it. One of my proposals would be that anyone found dropping litter should be shot dead. I would also call for heavy fines to be given to companies that are largely responsible for creating the kind of packaging that all too frequently ends up as litter. And I would urge the Taoiseach of Ireland to make you the Director of Litter Reduction in West Cork. You would have a green boiler suit and a Mercedes van.

  2. I would gladly do the job walking YP. I have said it before when you go to places like the Algarve you see rubbish bins on the beaches and everywhere. There are even bins for plastic. Sometimes I can walk past the beaches and tides cleaned the beach of all the rubbish and took it elsewhere probably across the sea.

  3. I get very cross with people dropping litter all along our lanes. It has been worse with the recent lockdown and more people out walking and driving in the countryside. Some of the worst offenders are the cyclists who suck on those energy drink things in plastic tubes then just chuck the empty tubes on the roadside. Grrr...

  4. Thanks JayCee. I agree. I can't remember seeing a litter bin outside of our nearest town. I think a lot of people would put their litter and other people's dropped litter if there were bins provided. I think walkers like ourselves really notice litter more than motorists speeding past.

  5. I have an old coworker that walks daily. He always carries a bag with him. He is widower. His children live out of the area. I know that he is grieving terribly from our conversations. But in the middle of that grief, rain and shine, he walks daily with his shopping bag. That display of caring in the midst of his grief always moves me greatly.

    1. What a lovely man Debby. Thanks for telling us about the poor man. Grief is an awful weight to carry.

    2. Flip. I just realized that I never said that he was carrying that little bag and picking up trash.

    3. I understood you exactly Debby. What a gentleman. I wish I could buy him a beer.

    4. You can buy me a beer instead - or better still - six beers! Payment by bank transfer will be fine.

    5. You are a gentleman Mr Pudding. I raise a glass to you and yours every week.

  6. We get a lot of litter washed up on our beaches too. Some of it must have come a heck of a long way. Being heavily reliant on tourism, our local towns are quite hot on litter and bins. We even have a man who comes around the residential streets periodically in his little sweeping truck.

  7. Yes the veg artist. I think a lot of litter comes from overseas. I also think there is far too much plastic on food and drink containers and packaging. I can't understand why local governments can't create permanent litter collection jobs? Rural areas have massive unemployment and rural isolation. Permanent jobs would combat both problems. Thanks.

  8. Litter washed up on the beach is different from the usual litter. You never know what you'll find. I'm another wombler!

  9. Hi Linda. There is some good beach litter like fish boxes which are great for carrying plants in pots and they make good growing boxes/seed trays, seaweed is brilliant weed free fertilizer and rope is always useful around the productive and ornamental gardens not forgetting driftwood for furniture, sculptures and even firewood. That's the good stuff. There's far too much plastic and polystyrene and now the discarded facemask. It must of been great to lived when there was no plastic. Thanks!

  10. think of all the things you could make with the 'litter'. I'd love the drift wood and string. Not so much the plastic.
    I'm sure there are lots of people who would love to help clear litter but then you would get some jobs worth saying they were taking jobs away from others. There's always some one to spoil things.

  11. Great litter suggestions Briony. I think the two most important tasks of government should be housing and jobs for all. It gives people pride when they have work and we could all do with some extra money. Thanks.

    1. A government for the people??!!! Northsider, in my country, you would have people hissing "Liberal!" at you as if it were the foulest word in the the language.

      (side note: it is my philosophy as well.)

  12. Yep Debby. The purpose of government is to serve it's people. I don't like a world of haves and have nots.


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