Monday, 15 February 2021

Dog Gone Fleas! Don't Forget Your Reading Glasses When You Go For A Barf.

 I decided to have a barf or bath on Saturday night/neet.  No it wasn't my birthday and no we haven't run out of coal.

"We couldn't afford a tin bath when I was growing up.  We had a paper one."

  That's a Bobby Ball joke.  I bet he's making my mum and dad laugh in the Lancashire part of Heaven?

Any road.  I got into the bath and reached for the shampoo. What ever happened to Carbolic soap?  I wasn't wearing my two Euros 'Reading' glasses from Lidl.  Look what I picked up:

Do you think  someone was trying to tell me something?


  1. Flea repellent? I bet that's what Lancashire lasses sprayed at you when you were a teenager on the prowl.

  2. Darling Dave,

    What a hair raising experience!!!

    This is surely a cautionary tale and, perhaps, a not so gentle reminder that your bathroom and its contents are in need of some rearrangement. Whilst we are pleased to note that, surely in the interests of saving water, your bath is shared with your dog, nevertheless, organisation is key if an unfortunate accident is not to occur.

    Just think. Dog treats could be confused for crunchy cereal or tinned foods could be alarmingly muddled with 'Pedigree Chum'. The consequences could be shocking.

    So, separate storage for your pampered pet. You have been warned :)

  3. Thanks for that J and L Hattatt. You have got a great sense of humour. I have never shared the bath with our dog. But she does regularly get a shower in the bath after her muddy walk. Thanks again for commenting.

  4. I am itching to find out what happened next.

  5. Ha, ha. Good pun JayCee. I think we fill the bath back up with coal.๐Ÿ˜Š

  6. Well, you should be flea-free for a while!

  7. We had a tin bath when I was at home, we all got into the same water, can you see them doing that these days?

  8. For a while๐Ÿ˜Š. Don't forget Darcey Bussell tonight on More4 the veg artist. It's wonderful.

  9. I can't Briony. I have heard of people who have showers before they go to work. Thanks.

  10. You tease! Did you have a silky, soft coat after your treatment?

  11. Ha,ha. It leaves a better silky, soft coat than when I mistook Flashpower for the Radox bath powder.๐Ÿ˜Š I am joking.

  12. I found your blog by a roundabout rabbit hole .. from your comment on Hattatt actually, it caught my eye as we had been to Simmonds Yat today!!
    My grandparents still had a tin bath when I was a child - they used to bath us in it. It seemed huge and had been my grandad's when he was a collier in the days before pit-head showers.

  13. Hello The Bike Shed. Thanks for your comment. Symonds Yat is amazing. We found it over twenty years ago when we retraced some of the film locations in Shadowlands. I have a brass miners lamp. My great grandfather worked in the Silver, copper,lead and tin mines here in West Cork. Thanks for commenting.

  14. LOL. Well, I'm fair certain that you'd know if you needed the stuff. Made me laugh though. There were a handful of times that I grabbed hairspray and discovered that I was spraying my head with bathroom tile cleaner.

    1. Does bathroom tile cleaner give your hair a great shine? You made me laugh Debby.

    2. Oh gees. The stuff had bleach in it! I'd stick my freshly washed head back under the faucet. I was terrified that I'd wind up with a peroxide blond patch on the side of my head.

    3. Oh gosh. You would have had to dye all your hair blonde.

  15. I love that film, watched it several times.

  16. Yes Shadowlands is my favourite film. We've watched it at least twenty two times. Debra Winger and Anthony Hopkins are amazing in the film.


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