Tuesday, 2 February 2021

A West Cork Beach And Some White Horses And A Chat.

 I went for another walk on Saturday.   That's twenty miles last week and 11 so far this week.  I am sure I must have been a dog in another life.   I wouldn't like their dinners though.  

The bay was playing at white horses on this lovely dry day for a change.  The Irish climate is  very mild but it gets far too much rain and wind.   

I took this picture with my mobile phone of one of the beaches on the Northside near where we live:

It was good to talk across the road to a friend who I met a couple of years ago when he was walking to town.  We talked about the weather, the lockdown, Manchester United, the white horses and Bantry Bay being part of the Atlantic Ocean and finally about "Heart Beat", Pickering and Bill Maynard in Selwyn Froggitt.  

It was great to have a chat for half an hour.  The only way to meet people these days it seems is  to go for a walk .  Hopefully there will be someone there to have a chat with?


  1. "Hellooo there Paddy!"
    "Dave! Good day t' ye! Bejesus did I ever tell ye that ye look like Bill Maynard in Selwyn Froggitt!"
    "Feck off ye' daft fecker! Did I ever tell you that ye look like me arse?"

    Applause from Yorkshire for keeping up the walking.

    1. Ha,ha😀. You're right about the swearing YP.

  2. Like us in West Wales, you have a fabulous coastline. There's going to be a two-part programme (starting this week in the UK) on parts of the west and north Irish coast on TV (Channel 5 I think), with Adrian Dunbar. He starts at Mizen Head then moves north. I'll be keeping an eye out for Portugal!

  3. Susan Calman goes to Pembrokeshire on Friday the veg artist. Another channel 5 programme. I've been to Mizen Head. Thanks for telling me about the Adrian Dunbar programme. Did you see Robson Green walking Hadrian's Wall? Thanks.

    1. I'll be setting the tape! Apparently she goes to the Blue Lagoon - and jumps in from the cliff top. It's an old quarry that floods at high tide, and has become very popular with coast/cliff jumping enthusiasts from all over the world.
      Google has charted the coast path - if you find Abereiddy (pronounced Aber-eye-thee) the little man will take you up along the path. I think they jump from the top on the far side. There are some fabulous, much painted, old cottages in Abereiddy itself. It gets very crowded these days, though.
      I didn't see the Robson Green programme. Will look for it. Thanks.

    2. I just Googled the Blue Lagoon. It looks fabulous. Wales is incredibly beautiful too. I use to love visiting Snowdonia. Susan Calman's personality is brilliant. Robson Greens Adrian's Wall is also a channel 5 programme. Hats off to them for making such highly entertaining programmes. We like Jane McDonald too. Yet another channel 5 programme.😀

  4. Some good walking there Dave.
    I only did a 1.5 hour walk on Sunday. It was freezing!

  5. Thanks JayCee. It keeps me fit and sometimes I might meet someone for a chat. This lockdown is very bad for our mental health. Imagine living in a high rise block of flats with a couple of children? At least we have the countryside to go for a walk. Thanks.

  6. I'd love to walk beside the Atlantic Ocean. It conjures up roaring gales, crashing waves and lots of treasures on the beach. I love waves. We only see them here in a good north gale.
    Keep up the walking. I looked at hiking sticks and saw a wooden one. They sell something similar in the mountains here, for tourists . They are used by shepherd's. I'll wait till, one day, we can get out on a trip to the hills

  7. Hi Linda. Yes there is some stunning scenery especially on the Atlantic Way here in Ireland. I am sure you will find someone who will carve you a good walkers stick. Hope your enjoying your walks. Thanks.

  8. Scenery like that would keep a body walking, wouldn't it? These days have taught us all the value of a chinwag, hasn't it?

  9. The scenery is good for body and soul Debby. Yes a good chinwag is much needed. Went for a saunter in the rain this morning. There was no one about to talk with.


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