Wednesday, 17 February 2021

The Dig.

 We watched The Dig on Netflix on Monday night. Sadly it's  not about vegetable growing and allotments.  It's about Sutton Hoo.  

The brilliant Suffolk born actor Ralph Fiennes plays amateur archaeologist Basil Brown.  Incidentally or coincidentally even.  Ralph lived on our peninsula in the seventies and went to Kilcrohane school.

Basil Brown reminds me of that great plants man Harry Dodson (Victorian Kitchen Garden and The Wartime Kitchen Garden) with his humility and yet an head full of knowledge and wisdom.  

Carey  Mulligan plays the widow and country estate owner Edith Pretty.   She senses that there is something special buried beneath the mounds on her estate.

It's  a film with lots of sub plots and some great music and the foreboding and poignant threat of world war two is often rippling to the surface.   It also shows that death faces us all rich or poor, Anglo Saxon or twentieth century.  

Any road I won't spol it for you.  It's well worth watching.  Especially if you like nosey archeaological programmes like Time Time and Alice Robert's history programmes.  Alice like Heavy Metal like I do.

Here's a snippet of a trailer: 


  1. I loved "The Dig" too Dave and having visited Sutton Hoo in 2018 it meant even more to me. Such a gentle and very English film that takes you back to simpler times.

  2. Hi YP. My blog isn't loading today for some reason. Hopefully it will refresh itself, it usually does.

    I really liked The Dig. It was a bit predictable and looks like they wrote the script from the end to the beginning first. Great acting and it depicted 1939 England very well. I kept thinking about Covid and when would life return to normal again. Never visited Suffolk. I believe it gets the most sunshine in England. Thanks.

  3. This looks like a good one. Just set it up on. It is all set up to watch for our Saturday night movie. Thank you for the suggestion!

  4. Well YP likes it and so do I Debby.😊 It's very good in fairness and captures a time gone for ever. If you have any Netflix film recommendations please let us know. Hope you enjoy your Saturday night film?

  5. Sounds like the sort of thing I'd love to watch. And it's English, not american.
    I hope we see it on our TV one day

  6. Do none of your family watch Netflix Linda? I often struggle to find films to watch. The Dig is well worth watching. The acting is excellent.

  7. We enjoyed 'The Sapphires', and were disappointed to find that while it was based on real people it was not at all factual. We like 'Fisherman's Friend'. Both predictable, but nice. 'Hillbilly Elegy'. 'The Theory of Everything'. 5 Flights Up was wonderful. Have you ever seen 'The Help?'

  8. Thanks Debby. I have just watched the trailers to your film recommendations. 5 Flights Up looks great. Diane Keaton is brilliant especially in the Woody Allen films. 'The Sapphires' looks my kind of film too.

  9. Unfortunately I can't join in. We don't have Netflix and I can only watch the Freeview channels that provide subtitles. It is surprising how many don't!

  10. Drat. You could always get Netflix or Amazon Jaycee? The length of the adverts really annoy me on Freeview. We watched one the otherday about a vacuum cleaner that washes your carpets! It was over 3 minutes long. Not my favourite subject for an advert.😊

    1. Vaccuum cleaners! I bet you could watch those all day!

    2. Surprised it didn't send him running out the door for Portugal.

    3. We have an agreement that any hoovering only happens when I am in the gardens or 'Portugal' my polytunnel Debby.

    4. Someone should make a horror film called simply "The Vacuum Cleaner".

    5. Good idea YP. I remember some nineteen seventies sci fi series when customers bought electrical goods such as vacuum cleaners which attacked them. I think it must have been made by Hippies😀.

  11. Oh yes JayCee. Not forgetting hairdryer and washing machines. I thought carpets are not in fashion anymore? Obviously not.

  12. I loved this film, at last a decent film to watch. Most films are rubbish and we struggle to find a decent one that is not horror or violence.

  13. Yes it's very good and not a swear word or any violence Briony. I only like films that are funny or moving. Thanks.

  14. I enjoyed this film. We need more films like this...
    Blogger has finally allowed me back in.

  15. I am glad you enjoyed the film Sol. It's definitely a feel good film. Good to see you back. I had Blogger problems this morning but everything is fine again now. I hope you are all OK in Scotland.

  16. Have a look for Breathe. We taped it when it was on BBC a few weeks ago, but it's on iPlayer now. Moving and heartwarming.

  17. I have just watched Breathe trailer on You Tube the veg artist. It looks good and set in a similar time to The Dig. Unfortunately we can't get BBC Iplayer over here. Yet we can get all the BBC channels, even the red button works for sport. It's not on Ireland Netflix either. I will keep looking for Breathe. Thanks for the recommendation.


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