Wednesday 24 February 2021

The Resilience Of The Daffodils.

 Rain Stopped Play would be a good sign at the moment.   It's throwing it down while I write this post.   There's not an hope of digging over the veg plot.  I have seed potatoes chitting away on the unit in our front room.  They are nice and warm and haven't got an inkling they will be getting planted in a couple of weeks, weather permitting.

I have plants like Bergenias, Hebes and Azaleas and Daffodils coming into flower and yesterday I decided to see how my Daffodils are doing (surviving) after all the wind an rain:

They are fine and there are even more flowers than before.  How do they survive all the buffeting and rocking and rolling and all the rain?

Apparently the Romans introduced Daffodils to Blighty.  Daffodils originate in Africa,  Spain, Portugal and Morocco.    We got our bulbs from Lidl.


  1. Ours must be a late variety as they are only just starting to show a tiny bit of yellow at the tip so far. Hopefully the storms will have passed by the time they come into flower.
    We are thinking of planting out a rice paddy in our garden as it so waterlogged.

  2. Hi JayCee. Ours are South facing and I can't believe how they have kept their flowers in the heavy rain and gales. They never cease to amaze me. It's very wet underfoot here. Every field is full of rushes. Supposed to be dry from tomorrow. We'll see. Thanks.

  3. I wonder if we have daffodils under all the snow? Maybe I'll take the snow shovel and find out!

  4. Knowing Daffodils Debby the snow won't bother them. When do you start planting and sowing vegetables where you live?

  5. Is Lidl a country? I might emigrate there and live on the middle isle (aisle). Our Lidlian army will declare war on the evil Aldians. Will you join us in our fight for supremacy? Can you suggest a national anthem for the proud patriots of Lidl?

    1. How about "Every Lidl Thing" by Eric Clapton?

    2. Good one. "Every Lidl Thing She Does Is Magic" by The Police?

    3. JayCee got there before you Young Dave! Mr Clapton did indeed write a song with that title...

      Well it's a cloudy morning
      But I got the sun in my life
      I wanna feel what forever feels like
      With you by my side
      People trying to sell you freedom
      But they never been held by your love

      Every Lidl thing, every Lidl thing
      Your love is all I see
      Every Lidl thing, every Lidl thing
      You make me feel complete
      All the Lidl things, all the Lidl things
      Can wait until tomorrow,
      Every Lidl thing, every Lidl thing
      Your love is all I need

    4. Great poem/song YP. I think the three of us will be soon getting paid to write jingles for Lidl. Honest. The cheque are in the post

    5. Lidl's a good place to buy your stuff
      Just take a tenner - that'll be enough
      JayCee and Northsider shop there too
      If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for you.

    6. You're a Poet and you know it.

      Hey that rhymes. Send it to the Times.

    7. I would rather send it to the Cork Independent
      Because my silk dressing gown is resplendent

      (Eat yer heart out Seamus Heaney!)

    8. Another Yorkshire Poet Laureate: Yorkshire Pudding.

  6. It's a German colony me thinks Mr Pudding. Live life in the middle and shop at Lidl.

  7. They grow a lot of daffs in Pembrokeshire too - there is a specialist farm near to St Davids.

    1. Hi The bike shed. Good to read. They must be a wonderful sight like the one William Wordsworth saw in Grasmere. Saint David's Day on Monday.

    2. Daffs are a big thing here! We've planted hundreds in our garden over the years, but they are planted along road and motorway verges and roundabouts throughout Wales.
      Some of my favourites are in the grounds of St Davids Cathedral, where there's always the discussion - "Will they last until St David's Day?"
      Daffs will take any sort of weather until they flower, and if any are broken in rain or wind, I go out and pick those for the house.
      I always dead-head once the flower has finished!!

    3. Hi the veg artist. Daffodils are a good sign that Spring is on it's way. Our Daffodils have been in flower through all the torrential rain and wind for the last couple of weeks. They are remarkable how they bend and bow and stand up to the weather.

  8. Our local park has all the croci under the trees in full bloom. I always wonder each year if we will be here for the next Spring so am happy that we have made it to this year.

  9. You should take a picture of them for your blog Briony. My Bergenias are all in flower this week.

  10. Still no daffs around here. Glad yours survived. Wish we could get out to that German market again. That city has become out of bounds again for two weeks.
    Hope the sun shines soon

  11. Hi Linda. Everything is starting to come life in the gardens and the fields and surrounding landscape. We have had our Lockdown to April the 5th at the earliest. Yet Cork and Kerry have the least cases. We could do with you sending some of that Greek sunshine. 😊 Thanks.

  12. We have a some daffodils just about to blossom. Have missed seeing the gradual onset of spring when we were in France. Spring comes and goes quickly there because of the milder weather, as does Autumn.

  13. Hi Vera. I really enjoyed reading your Snippets From Labatre. We still have the dream of living in Portugal or at least spending the Winter there to start with. A nice day here. Hoping to start digging over the veg plot soon. If it ever dries up? Shropshire,Herefordshire and the Welsh Marches and Cheshire are lovely counties to explore this Summer.


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