Friday, 5 February 2021

A Walk On The Southside.

Dunmanus Bay yesterday morning.

A boat planter full of Daffodils about to flower.

A bin for dog waste.  Shame there's no litter bins!

St James  C o I church Durrus.  Final  resting place for the Booker Prize Author (twice) JG Farrell.  He was born in Lancashire  like me.   This is  also where my parents and my grandparents rest.  I once visited my grandparents graves when we were just married and my wife said: " They lived by the sea and they are buried by the sea".

I went on a five miles walk with my brother's terrier.  She was absolutely knackered and I don't think she's ever walked so far.  That's 21 miles I've walked so far this week.  



  1. 21 miles! You will have worn your poor old legs down to stumps!
    Seriously though, that is very impressive. You have put me to shame. I only managed 4 miles this week but I blame the weather.

  2. Are you Lou Reed?

    Dave came from Lancashire, U.K.
    Drove a knackered van to Bantry Bay.
    Plucked his mono-eyebrow on the way
    Shaved his legs then had a cup of tea

    He says, "Hey, Mick
    Take a walk on the South Side"
    Said, "Hey, Paddy
    Take a walk on the South Side."

  3. Yes 21 miles and two days with no walking since Sunday. The new waterproofs and cabin fever make me get out walking JayCee. You have got to get out of the house. This lockdown is driving me mental. Oh to go carbooting selling or browsing.

  4. Ha, ha. Good one YP. Or maybe "Last Great American Whale" They'll shit in the river put battery acid in the sea...

    "Going Southbound" Thin Lizzy would be another good blog title for this post.

  5. I think that we have all gotten restless and impatient. The season is about to change and we are hungry for things to be different.

  6. So true Debby. This life isn't a rehearsal. We need to get our countries back on their feet and we need to start living again and enjoying ourselves. Thanks for commenting debby.

  7. Nice walk, for you. It looks a bit damp. I like the photos anyway. Different from mine! If I had walked all those miles this week I'd have gone twice around the island. I think I had better pick up my pace. You're an inspiration. You and Cro.
    Another masterpiece from YP!

  8. Thanks Linda. It was quite a nice day. I met a man who said: "nice morning". I replied: "Yes for a change".

    YP is very funny and always cheers us all up.


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