Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Potting Up The Shrub Cuttings And Weeding The Winter Onions In "Portugal" My Polytunnel.

I spent a few hours in "Portugal" my polytunnel yesterday morning.  It's starting to warm up and I was sweating.  Here's some photos:

Successful rooted shrub cuttings.  I repotted some of them into bigger plant pots and topped them with compost.  They will be going outside in a few weeks when we need the space for vegetables and no doubt, more shrub cuttings?

My "Japs" or Winter onions, all weeded and growing very nicely.  It should be fun moving them outside.

Anyone else spent a few hours in their polytunnel or greenhouse, pottering around and getting ready for Spring?

That's  a cracking clump of Rushes outside the tunnel, behind my onions.  They are everywhere!


  1. You have been busy again, doing your favourite jobs 😁.
    The sun is shining here today but we have been too busy to get out in the garden. It's all happening here at JayCee Towers.

  2. I strimmed the lawns and trimmed the hedges a couple of weeks ago JayCee. All the flower borders need weeding and pruning but it's still too wet and cold. At least there is the polytunnel and kitchen window sills to still potter about. Good to read your keeping busy JayCee.

  3. Still far too cold here today. Thick snow in Athens. Maybe next week I'll pull a few weeds.
    You've got a wonderful variety. I'd say good luck but you don't need luck, you've got Portugal and a green thumb

  4. What a catchy and memorable title you chose for this blogpost Dave!

  5. You should get yourself a polytunnel Linda. Even on rainy days you can still potter about. It's good to have an hobby when you live in the countryside next to the sea. Thanks.

  6. When I read of people gardening, I yearn for my allotment. They were the happiest days of my life.

  7. I miss mine too Briony. Allotments are places to chat, meet, have the craic and even grow fruit and vegetables. We see few people walking about to chat with in the countryside next to the sea, especially in winter. I miss pubs too. Don't we all?😀 Thanks.

  8. So what kind of shrubs do you have growing there, Dave? Are you an ornamental or food or both type gardener?

  9. Hebes Fuschia, Hydrangeas, Rosemary, Myrtles, Bay Trees, Griselina and lots of tender perennials like Osteospermums and Huechera Debby. I seem to grow more perennials and shrubs these days Debby. I love seeing cuttings take roots. Thanks for asking.

  10. Looking forward to messing about in our itsy ditsy little greenhouse when the purchase of our itsy ditsy little bungalow in Telford is completed.... meanwhile, I continue to share your poly tunnel with you!

  11. Hi Vera. Telford is a nice place. Are there any nearby allotments ? My polytunnel is one of my best garden purchases ever. Good look with the move and I look forward to reading all about it on your blog.


"Know One's Onions"! Or How To Start Them Off.

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